Soon to be secretary


I was so tired today. After moving out from my last house since none of my friends respected my privacy, I was worn out. I took a shower and changed it in a white hoodie and some pants. I decided to say meet my neighbor to prevent any awkwardness between us in the future. I knocked on her door waiting for a response. A girl like on her twenties opened her door. She was surprised and with curiosity at the same time to see me.

— Ohh, I'm the new neighbor. I just move today at the apartment number 234, just right beside yours.

I say to her calmly, but in the inside I was nervous. I found her rather attractive. She was dressed plainly, but looking sexy and comfy. Just my type I thought.

- hey, HEY earth calling you girl.

I say again seeing she isn't answering rather she was looking at me like not believing I was there.

- yes. Well, welcome to the neighborhood.

She replied back to me. What a sweet and calming voice she have.

- My name is Benzo Franchesco good to meet ya.

I tried to look disinterested, I actually was anxious to know her name. I was sure that it must be pretty like her.

- My name is Isabelle, pleasure you meet you.

She was melting my heart and she didn't notice that.

- I came before, but nobody was here. So I decided to try again and I happen to see you closing your door.

I try to make the conversation more long just to see her a little bit more.

- ahh, yeah I was out the whole day. I just got home.

She was getting shy every time she talked back to me. I was calm until I inspected how she was dressed.

- I think you should be more careful when you open the door.

I say swallowing hard. I could see her prominent nipples hard in her white shirt. I wasn't sure if she knew how she was dressed.

- what do you mean?

- You have no bra on. I can see your hard nipples 'cause is cold.

I tried to say my words in the calmest way I could. I was doing my best to be reasonable. What she did just made me more exited. She was blushing to cutely. I knew in that moment I had to go back to my apartment, I was feeling so much in that moment for a stranger girl.

- I'm going back to my apartment. See ya

I was doing my best to sound cool. I knew that I needed a cold shower.


I woke up by the hateful sound of my alarm. I wanted to sleep more, but I just knew I needed to search for a job, I need to pay my rent in 2 weeks from now on and I had no money on me. When I was heating my shower I checked my social media for any text message. I was scrolling bored seeing Instagram stories when I saw a story from my friend Natha. She had an announcement saying the Fiorenzio Company was looking for a head secretary and the salary paycheck was worthy of trying for it. I immediately called her for more details.

*ring calling tone*

- C'mon pick it up

I say impatient. I decided to turn of my shower in case of any accident.

- Yes, hello? Isabelle?

- Natha how are you? Sorry for calling you so suddenly. I just saw your story and I wanted to know more details about the job announcement you post it.

- did you Isabelle? Glad to her you are interested. Yes actually of Vice President needs a secretary urgently since he is very busy man and needs to control some matters and have no time for it.

- Do you how can I apply? I'm actually without a job right now and need to pay some bills.

I say jumping in happiness knowing that I could get a job at a prestigious company.

- Yes, what about if you come to my office in the afternoon and we get to talk about? I think you would suit perfectly for the position.

- Will you do that for me?

I asked so happy seeing his response.

- yes, Isabelle I been friends to your family for many years. It's just a little favor. No worries.

- well thank you so much Natha. It alright if I drop by 3:00 pm?

- that's perfect, now Isabelle I'm going to get going I have a meeting right now.

- sure Natha. Thank you so much.

I replied ending the call with him. He had been college friend with my oldest brother Joseph and since then, he is a family friend. What a good luck I have to know him. I took the shower right away and got dressed looking formal, but mostly casual for my soon to be interview for my new job. I happily exit out of my apartment going to the Fiorenzio Company. Even the name sounds so expensive I thought to myself.