Waking up by the sound of the construction workers is not exactly to me in a good mood after that. Trying to open my heavily close eyes, the barely sun light entering through the crack glass in the window. The clock just hit 5:00 am. A grunt of laziness escaped my lips. Is Monday which means the first work day had begun. Not sure if I should be excited, after all my boss could be considered a jerk. My phone lights my room with the screen, I squeeze my eyes are not used to the bright light .

Notification 📞

You have a new text message.

Click here to open.

Weird. Who could have text me so early, is no like I don't have friends who would do that, but I'm so busy that sometimes barely make time for my own social media... mail and everything. I press open and then.. what I saw made me quickly wake up and leave my laziness in my bed for later.

Unknown Number.

I hope you're ready for work today miss Isabelle

I'm expecting so much for yourself.

[ seen 5:05 AM ]

Isabelle ChatLite

I hope I'm not wrong could this be you sir? My boss?

Unknown Number

Make sure to be at the office at 6:30. After all you're still in need to be explain everything word by word.

[seen at 5:09 AM]

Isabelle frown at the rude text. Next I decided to check the profile picture after all ChatLite was pretty much the new social media popular in here. Every young had downloaded it, true I never thought my boos could ever have it. His profile say join 2 months ago. Makes senses he just downloaded it. Although his picture without a shirt let me speechless, My first sight was his worked body and the perfectly fitted shorts. It looked like he was at the beach or maybe in one of his properties after all he was the CEO son.

I sigh to myself, my clock now hit 5:18 am. Lazily getting up dragging my feet over the cold wood floor to the bathroom, felt myself very much sleep drain. Quickly taking my clothes off to get in a quick shower, I decided not to wash my hair since might not have enough time to dry it and styled. Wrapping my body around a white soft towel, I could feel the cold breeze embracing my body after getting out the shower, my body automatically shiver at the temperature change. Surprisingly in only took me 10 more minutes getting ready.

Opening my closet I grab a black skirt knee-length that embrace my curves, of course I didn't want to wear anything unprofessional, just the thought of being seeing by my coworkers like I'm trying to seduce my boss annoyed me. Then I choose a white v-neck sleeve length shirt and a girasol scrunchies to gather my hair from my face in a simply but elegant pony tail. Picking up my black notebook and my purse I was ready to start my day at the new company. Checking the time it was now 5:40 am, I really don't want to cook anything for breakfast at home, I just get a coffee on my way.

Right before leaving I make sure to lock the door and now I was on my way to my first day at Fiorenzio Company.

I wanted to go walking since it was a cloudy day outside, but it was chilly. So heading to the bus stop, I took the first bus that stopped at the station.

Many people just like me were heading to their work, most of them look very well organize and busy, some of them drinking the last drop of coffee in the bus. A women yelling at her husband for money at the phone. Some kids heading to school. A grandma scolding his oldest son for not being a good father for their family. Slowly drifting my attention to the view in my window, I could see that spring was coming back. Just like nothing I had arrived at my stop for the company. It was a little bit far, but I decided to go on walking. Grabbing my purse I press the button so the driver knew it was my stop. Doors open it was time to get ready, it felt like my day was going so far good.

You have a need message 📞

Click here to see it.

My phone made a buzz sound. It was Piero again.

Piero ChatLite

I'm assigning a worker from the general sales to guide you through most of the day. His name is Benzo from A team sales. Any questions ask him.

[ read 5:55 am]

At this point I was walking towards the regular elevator, the environment looked so quiet, there were very few people in the first floor. The cleaning staff was taking advantage of this to clean the hall. Pressing the top floor were my boss Piero was I made my way through. I could see all the gold portraits and expensive paints. Must admit it was from a good taste and not to miss the big corporation letters. I settle myself outside of my boss office where my desk currently it is. I put my notebook and pencil outside in top of the desk to be ready in case of write up anything. Turning on my desk computer. I decided to knock the door to check if my boss had arrived already.

The knocking sound could be hearing, just like my heart pounding out my chest. I was nervous knowing his personality and strongly disliking.

A deep voice yet annoyed said

" Come in "

Opening the door my body trembles. I saw Piero sitting in his black chair, dressed in a tight yet a well fitted dark green shirt buttoned, and some black pants. On the other side his desk was full of work analysis, marketing for the enterprise and more. Yet he look up at me and said

" You're late"

Then he signal to the brown clock in the middle of the grey wall. The time was [ 6:04 AM]

" Well, good morning sir. Sleep well?

I truly didn't know what to say, feeling uncomfortable. He answer me

" Uhm. "

Well if before I didn't even know how to talk to him, not I have zero chances.

" Take a sit on the chair "

He said, taking seat at the chair in front on his desk, my nerves never leaving my body.

• why you left me on seen? I text you two last times and I'm sure I never heard anything else from you.

• hahaha... I way ready on my way here sir.

• still you are late to your first day. Could it be you don't want your job miss Isabelle?

He said this looking up straight to my eyes. His almond shape eyes where shinning through his transparent white glasses. He look so damn smart, shame that his personality wasn't.

• I do sir. I wouldn't be here if I didn't wish work here.

I said pretty confident in myself.

• Good

Those were his past words before a long silent came to the office. While I was just sitting there my eyes were around his office. His style was impressive grey walls, and marble white floor screamed cleanness.

• This folder have all documents you need for me. It have all my dislikes and likes. You should learn them to not make mistakes in front of me. Of course this is just to help you keep your job.

He said this giving me a sarcastic smile.

He hand me a very thick folder with some papers, most of them were on red letters, Guessing it would be the most important.

• Go, work at your office outside. Benzo will arrived approximately at 7:30 am. He look for you outside.

Standing from the chair, with the folder in my hands I said

• Sure, no problem sir.

Exiting the door, and carefully closing it I feel the atmosphere change. The air inside his office was so intoxicating, I could feel his powerful dominant aura around him. Maybe he definitely was no joke at all.