Chapter 11: Stunning Figure in Memories

Chu You was sweeping through the 5th level Experience Monster Zone. Although the experience points here were much less than those in the elite copy, the monsters here had relatively weak defenses and low blood volume, so the efficiency was quite fast.

As a level 4 player, Chu You could rely on his superior attributes to fight, replenishing his blood volume with bandages after killing a monster. He also had 9 minor healing potions on hand. Sometimes, he killed two monsters at a time and drank a potion before bandaging himself.

The respawn point in Novice Village.

The priest killed by Chu You was shivering all over, his hands still trembling. He was sitting on a stone, looking relieved, but still terrified. It was clear that he hadn't recovered from being killed by a player yet.

He still remembered the final sword swing toward him and the ruthless cold-colored eyes of his opponent without any impurity.

Especially at the moment of his death, he seemed to feel an unusual sensation of losing his soul.

Sunshine Suifeng also sat down next to the priest, his expression as horrible.

"So, this is what it feels like to be killed by someone in this game. It's really scary." Sunshine Suifeng muttered to himself.

"But... at least we know what his name is." When Sunshine Suifeng was killed by Chu You, the system showed that he was maliciously attacked and killed by a player named Night Ghost.

Looking at the expression of the priest, Sunshine Suifeng showed a bitter smile, "Are you ok?"

The priest didn't answer, just nodded.

"If we hadn't scattered..."

"Vice chairman, forget it, I think that player named Night Ghost is not easy to deal with. I've been playing games for many years and I can feel that he's really extraordinary, even terrifying." He remembered Chu You's decisive action, especially when he jumped over the rocks and fell, all implying a terrifying character.

Sunshine Suifeng fell silent. The priest beside him was an old player who had followed him for years. He was really good at predicting things. If even he said so, it suggested that this Night Ghost player was indeed hard to deal with.

"Let's listen to you for now..."


When Chu You was halfway to level 5, a voice came.

System prompt: You have been in the game for 16 hours, reality 8 hours, and you haven't eaten yet. We strongly recommend you to log off and replenish your energy now.

Then, the system transmitted the feeling of hunger to Chu You. His stomach rumbled. He had taken only breakfast today.

So Chu You chose to log off.

It was 6 in the evening, Chu You left the game pod and the room was dark. It was a cloudy day and it got dark quite quickly.

He picked up his mobile phone from the table. There were an insane amount of missed calls and '@ Chu You' in various chat groups. There were plenty of messages.

Standing there, Chu You sorted out the messages. He returned the necessary calls and ignored the unnecessary ones.

Actually, Chu You's top level game pod could be connected to his phone. But it could not do anything except give prompts.

Seeing one call display, Chu You let out a string of curses. Seeing that someone had @ him on a social circle, he felt helpless and had to return the call.

"Buzz~~ Hello, Chu You, you finally remember me?" an indignant voice came from the phone.

"Sorry, Mentor, what's the matter?" The caller was his university tutor.

"Come to school immediately. There's an important notice. If you don't come, you can forget about graduating." Then the call ended.

Chu You's mouth twitched. He really didn't want to go. With his parents' business empire gone, there was no need to go to school. But he thought about it and decided to go, as it wasn't far and he could use it as an excuse to go out and eat something.

So Chu You drove his super sports car again, roaring all the way to school.

After ten minutes, Chu You arrived at the school gate. After showing his student card to the security guard, Chu You drove into the school.

This school was one of the top universities in the country. Even if Chu You's entrance exam score were multiplied by 3, it wouldn't meet the admission threshold - his score was too low.

However, one of Chu You's companies had previously donated a lot of research funds to this university, so Chu You was admitted to this university exceptionally.

The name of the university was Royal University, a name that was well-known in Huaxia.

After parking his car, Chu You went to the university canteen and sat down in a private room on the second floor. He ordered a few dishes to fill his stomach first.

Half an hour later, Chu You slowly arrived at his class.

Just around the corner of the stairs, Chu You saw his tutor standing at the class door with a gloomy face. Besides being a tutor, he was also a professor at the university.

"Chu You, why are you coming now?" Facing this student, he was also quite troubled. The threat on the phone was actually useless, because even if Chu You was given a failing grade, he would still graduate smoothly, because Chu You's academic progress had been beyond his authority and was under the highest administration of the school.

"There was a traffic jam outside." Chu You walked up to his tutor.

"Isn't your residence in that villa area? How can there be traffic congestion?"

Chu You looked at his mentor in surprise, "There's just traffic."

The mentor's facial muscles twitched a bit, then he waved his hand, "Alright, hurry up and get into the classroom."

Chu You entered the classroom. It was huge, but there were only twelve students. These were Chu You's entire university class, and including Chu You, there were only thirteen individuals in the class.

"Chu You, come sit over here." A rather average-looking female classmate called out to Chu You.

After briefly scanning the room, Chu You decided to sit next to her.

Every student here, excluding Chu You, was a top scholar, and were the pride of their previous regions, having gotten admitted into this school due to their extraordinary talent.

After Chu You settled down, the tutor took one look at him and then went to the office to grab some documents.

"Chu You, what did you do during the break these few days?" The female classmate asked with a smile. Her tone and expression were natural, indicating that she was quite close to Chu You.

"Uh, nothing much, just dealing with some stuff from the company," Chu You answered. He wouldn't dare to admit that he had been frantically buying Game Coins these past few days.

"Oh, why didn't you reply when I called you today?"

"Heh, I was of course playing a game."

"Celestial World?" The female classmate asked, to which Chu You nodded.

"I knew it! But let me tell you, we're playing that game too." The female classmate said excitedly. She had already bought a game helmet, and having tried it out in her dorm today, she felt it was great.

"You guys?" Chu You asked, confused. This female classmate was an old high school companion, who always ranked first in the grade. Only she and Chu You were accepted into the Royal University, and coincidentally, they even chose the same major, once again becoming classmates. Hence, they were pretty much inseparable.

What puzzled Chu You was that, based on his female classmate's tone, it seemed that he was familiar with all the 'they's she referred to.

"Of course, they are all our high school classmates. Now that I know you are playing the game, you, being rich, should keep us," said the female classmate in high spirits.

Chu You nodded. "No problem. What are your names in the game? Let's add each other as friends."

At this moment, the tutor walked into the classroom with a solemn look on his face, holding a few documents in his hand. After placing them on the podium and scanning the room, he stopped his gaze at Chu You for a moment before announcing important information.

The conversation between Chu You and his female classmate thus turned cautious and discreet.

"By the way, who do you guys have?" Chu You asked casually, feeling a tinge of nostalgia as a reincarnate.

"What, afraid there aren't any beauties? You think everyone looks like me?" The female classmate joked about her looks.

'Pfft.' Chu You couldn't help but laugh.

The tutor, who was in the midst of announcing the important information, shot a sharp glance at Chu You. A subtle change seemed to have occurred in his facial expression, as if he was giving Chu You a warning. Still, he didn't stop speaking.

Shortly afterward, the female classmate tilted her head slightly, "Do you remember Lin Luor?"

"Lin Luor?" Chu You looked flustered, a vague silhouette gradually surfacing in his mind. Once the silhouette became clear, he widened his eyes, looking at the female classmate in surprise and disbelief.

Smugly, the female classmate said, "How about that? She was the school beauty of our old high school. I remember you even pursued her, didn't you?"

Chu You shook his head seriously, his eyes seeming a tad vacant as he muttered, "I didn't pursue her." He truly didn't chase after the school beauty of his class back then, because he already had a girlfriend (or rather, girlfriends) in high school, so he didn't set out to court Lin Luor. Instead, he only considered her a beautiful sight to behold.

The report on Lin Luor's forced death that was published a year later in his previous life suddenly flashed through Chu You's mind at this point. Upon hearing the news back then, a deep sense of regret and sorrow had filled him as he discussed it with his friends.

Chu You pulled out his phone from his pocket and glanced at his calendar, confirming that Lin Luor would die one year from now.

"You must have had a crush on her, though." The female classmate's interest was piqued.

Chu You took a deep breath, pulling his thoughts back from afar, a trace of curiosity emerging in his heart. He asked in a low voice, "What's Lin Luor's name in the game?"

"So, you are interested in her now?"

Chu You was silent, keeping his head slightly lowered. His former playboy image was too deeply ingrained in the students' minds, so anything he said now could possibly be misconstrued.

"Fine, since we will be playing the game together, there's no harm in telling you."

"Her username is: Luoshui Huixi"

As the female classmate let out the last syllable of the name, Chu You's heart jolted violently. Almost reflexively, he stood up abruptly, interrupting the tutor's flow of important information up on the stand.

"What did you say her name is?!!"