Chapter 18: Lin Luor's Persistence

Your Sin Value +6, total of 8.

Chu You indifferently looked around at the level-0 and level-1 players. Those at level-0 were even shocked to find that Chu You's displayed level was a question mark.

This meant he was at least 5 levels higher than them. The game had been on for 48 hours and someone had already reached level 5 or above? This was a big shock for them.

Seeing that players were still coming from afar to watch the commotion, Chu You frowned slightly and coldly said to the surrounding players, "If you follow me, you will die. I won't stop you if you want to die." After leaving these words, Chu You turned and walked in the direction he had come from.

Even when walking, Chu You was not slow.

Glancing at his physical strength, Chu You rushed off.

After making several turns and shaking off the players who wanted to follow, Chu You once again arrived at the spot where he had encountered Lin Luor.

Seeing Chu You approaching, Lin Luor looked at him with complexity, feeling that Chu You had changed a lot. Take just now for instance, without any dispute, he didn't even ask her, he simply provoked the players opposite him as if he knew she was being harassed.

Chu You came to Lin Luor's side, his eyes filled with both amusement and a hint of apology.

"Now, we meet again in a different way."

Lin Luor nodded and said, "Thank you." Regardless of what had happened just now, Chu You's actions were for her, so Lin Luor thanked him.

Chu You shook his head, "You silly girl, why did you come all the way over here? I thought you were close by." He was not concerned about what had just happened.

"Now that I'm here, do you want me to go back?"

"By the way, did you choose your respawn point in our village?" Chu You couldn't help but concern about this. If Lin Luor did not choose here, then if she died, the respawn location would be where she was born, and that would be awkward.

Lin Luor nodded, "I've already set it, the respawn point is Liuying Village."

Lin Luor looked up at Chu You, who was much taller than herself, "So now, you lead me to level up."

Hearing these words, for some reason, Chu You felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Were you this desperate in your previous life? You didn't rest all night. Time in the game passed very slowly. Did you travel for 14 hours just to come here to level up? Are you always so keen on any opportunity?

"Didn't you sleep all night? Aren't you tired?"

Lin Luor shook her head and forced a smile, "I feel great now, this game is so fun, I don't feel sleepy."

Should he let her know about some things that happened to her family? Chu You was momentarily hesitant. The other party's pride would definitely be strong. If he did this, he felt that the nature of their relationship would change.

Dealing with such matters made Chu You's head spin at the moment. Forget it, first build a good relationship with her, so that it will be easier to talk about some things later.

"Alright, let's go to the level-5 monster zone. I'll take you to level up." After speaking, Chu You turned and walked away.

What Chu You didn't notice was that when he turned, his long saber almost hit Lin Luor. Thankfully, Lin Luor noticed in time and squatted down immediately.

"What happened?" Hearing a movement behind him, Chu You looked back at Lin Luor with confusion.

"Nothing really, by the way, I heard some players saying that there's a dungeon. Aren't we going to level up in the dungeon?" Lin Luor had already stood up by now, ignoring Chu You's questions.

"There's a dungeon?" Chu You's pupils shrank. Damn, how did he miss such important news?

This was not Chu You's fault. He was not in the direction of the dungeon. Besides, the range here was too large. Finding the entrance of the dungeon wasn't easy. Chu You had never returned to Novice Village since his departure, so naturally he would miss out on some news.

It seems that after logging out, he would need to recruit some help. If not for anything else, at least to help him gather information and discover first-hand news.

"Don't you know?" Lin Luor looked at him strangely.

"Uh, I really didn't notice. You lead the way."

"I don't know where the dungeon is, I just heard someone else mention it."

"That's alright. Just keep an eye on Novice Village. If you notice a large group of players moving in a certain direction, just follow them. You should be able to find it quickly. Then let me know the coordinates." Chu You analyzed the situation seriously.

Lin Luor nodded, feeling that Chu You made sense. "Alright, I'll go and keep watch now." Having said that, Lin Luor immediately turned around to go to Novice Village.

"Glittering Night, wait." Chu You felt it was inappropriate to call her by her real name, but calling her 'Luor' seemed too intimate, she might not like it. Remembering Lin Luor's cold demeanor in high school, Chu You thought it was better to call her by her game name inside the game.

Lin Luor turned around and looked at Chu You questioningly, waiting for what he was going to say.

Chu You came over and directly initiated a trade with Lin Luor.

The player Night Ghost offers you a trade. Do you want to accept?

"Accept it, I have something for your class." Chu You ordered.

Lin Luor accepted the transaction. As a result, Chu You handed over the 'Speed Increase Healing' Priest General Skill Book that he had obtained from the dungeon to Lin Luor. Seeing the skill book, Lin Luor appeared surprised, but made no fuss about it and accepted it.

"You can learn it at level 5. Now, hurry up."

"Thank you, Chu You, no...Night Ghost." Lin Luor, catching on, hidden Chu You's real name.

"Go ahead!"

Watching Lin Luor running towards Novice Village, her back, Chu You felt a pang of pity.

This girl was too tenacious. No wonder Lin Luor had achieved so much in her previous life. This trait was evident and Chu You deeply realized her persistence.

Thus, Chu You waited and waited in the forest, really feeling the need to recruit a group of players. Even though he could only create a guild after switching professions, that didn't stop Chu You from recruiting some players to gather information. If they discovered anything, they could simply relay it via the friends' communication system.

Moreover, Chu You had some thoughts about creating a guild. It wouldn't be a place just anyone could join.

Half an hour passed in the game when Lin Luor finally sent a message, "Night Ghost, I've found it. I'm heading towards the right side of Novice Village, the coordinates for the dungeon's entrance are 874, 541, 113."

"Okay, wait for me there, I'll be right over," Chu You responded enthusiastically.

"Are you sure it's okay? You're marked as a red name, there are many players on this path," Lin Luor expressed some unusual concern for Chu You.

"No problem, let's form a team now." After saying that, Chu You sent a team request to Lin Luor's avatar.

"Player Night Ghost has sent you a team request. Would you like to join their team?" Lin Luor immediately confirmed.

At that moment, Chu You could see Lin Luor's exact location on the map.

He took a look, put away the map, Chu You's face immediately cooled, then circumvented his route toward the dungeon's direction, striving to evade some players to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lin Luor and a large group of players were heading straight for the dungeon entrance while Chu You took the roundabout way, gradually entering the Level 5 area again.

Because the entrance of the dungeon was located somewhere in the Level 4 area, Chu You's route was straight from the top to bottom of the Level 5 area.

It wasn't long before Chu You could see from a distance, in that not too far or too close direction, a large number of players gathered. There were probably about 200 players there. Most of them were Level 2, and Level 3 players were considered advanced in the eyes of general players.

Of course, there were also some Level 1 players and even Level 0 players present. These were the lowest level players simply hoping to find a shortcut to level up quickly.

But reality was harsh. Players who could advance to Level 2 had mastered some of the game's patterns and rules. They knew well enough that teaming up with these low-level players for the dungeon raid was not a good option.

"Are you there yet?" Chu You sat down and began to recover his physical strength in a hidden spot.

"I'm here, there are so many people." The noisy background was audible from her end, to which Chu You slightly smiled.

"What's the situation with the dungeon? Tell me...never mind, just enter the dungeon and choose Nightmare Mode," Chu You directly made Lin Luor the team leader, then ordered.

"There are three dungeons here, and I don't know which one to choose."

"What? There are three dungeons? All next to each other?" Chu You sat upright; this situation was unusual.

"Yes, which one should I choose? Ah! There's an NPC in front, I'll ask." Lin Luor noticed the NPC in the crowd and ran straight over.

"Hmm, that seems right," Chu You aimlessly surveyed his surroundings.

Lin Luor excitedly squeezed into the crowd with her bright eyes fixated on the NPC's dialogue with players. Simultaneously, the system prompt rang out for Lin Luor.

System: You have entered Old Man Night Talk's consultation range; you may communicate with him mentally.

Old Man Night Talk: Girl, you lack cultivation, and your potential is subpar. It is best you retreat.

Despite being Level 0 with an R-level physique, Lin Luor didn't mind these things and replied, "Old man, I have a team."

Old Man Night Talk: Oh? Hmm... alright, young lady. Since you possess a wise heart, I have a task for you. See the three mystical realms behind me? Each one is a different type. If you can pass all of them and obtain the items I need, there will be a rich reward waiting for you here.

System prompt: Will you accept Old Man Night Talk's challenge?

Lin Luor immediately chose to accept.

Old Man Night Talk: Well done, young lady. Now, proceed right away.

Lin Luor was automatically exited from the mental communication with the system. She glanced at the mission interface and immediately communicated the message to Chu You.

"Chu You, I've received a mission requiring us to pass through all three dungeons to complete."

"There's really a mission?" Chu You had guessed, but upon looking at the distant crowd, he shook his head. He didn't hope to accept this mission.

Forget it. Just consider it levelling up. A Nightmare-level dungeon provides quick leveling even without a mission.

"Yes, each dungeon will have mission items. If we obtain them, we can complete the mission."

"Alright, start from the far left. You're the team leader. Enter the dungeon first, and I'll follow. Remember!" Chu You paused before solemnly adding, "Remember, you must choose the most difficult, Nightmare-level. Understand?"

"The most difficult? Oh...okay." A chill went through Lin Luor's heart, but she trusted Chu You, considering his Level 5 status and the invincible disposition he had shown in previous battles.

Lin Luor headed to the far left, her hand facing the entrance and initiating the dungeon activation process.

Activating the dungeon...10%...40%...

"Hey, did you see that? A Level 0 player is entering the dungeon!" a player behind expressed in shock.

"Gosh... her teammates are going to be dragged down by her. Watch, it's going to cause another argument."

"Exactly, even if she's a Priest, this dungeon tests individual skills. A Priest doesn't play a major role, especially one that's Level 0. It'll be a disaster."

Behind her, players occasionally chatted, and Lin Luor began to worry. What if she turned out as they predicted...

The dungeon opened with three difficulty options: Normal, Hard, and Nightmare. Which one do you choose? Lin Luor hesitated again, her eyes lingering on the Normal difficulty...

Just then, Chu You's voice rang out over the communication system, "Have you entered the dungeon? It's Nightmare Mode, right?"

Forget it. Lin Luor stopped looking, closed her eyes, and chose Nightmare Mode. Instantly, her body turned into a flickering light and disappeared at the dungeon's entrance.