Chapter 49 Chef

In "Celestial World", aside from the functionally inherent buildings and those with tasks, all the structures could theoretically be demolished.

So Chu You was quite busy, constantly shuttling between the major cities of Yan Kingdom, his imposing figure ever present.

In each city, Chu You would swagger into the City Lord's mansion. In no time, a residential building on an 'upcoming bustling street' would get dismantled. This was not an overnight task, but one that happened in an instant!

Then, two unique buildings imbued with the aura of Immortals would rise from the ground. These were Chu You's guild exchange and artisan workshop.

In the end, Chu You would depart each city surrounded by a gaggle of officials, all pleased as punch. Who wouldn't be thrilled at receiving a sudden gift of Gold Coins?

Chu You knew his guild exchanges had to be established in all the popular gathering spots to compete with Yan Kingdom's official exchange.