Chapter 107: Added more!! (To celebrate Alliance Hierarch Yang Tuo, added 2/6)

"Something's not right, hiss... not right." A player sucked in a breath of air, voicing this question with an extremely bewildered expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I kind of have this bad premonition. If the stone could shatter the weapon, then what if it was successful?"

"Successful... hiss, are you saying, if it's successful the grade would be?" Another player inhaled sharply, his expression one of absolute disbelief.

The previous player speaking nodded solemnly, his face serious, "It might turn into a higher-grade tier!"

The players around immediately understood, their expressions changing to shock as they looked at Chu You.

"God Chu! Go for it, you will definitely succeed!" At this moment, Jiucaier began to cheer loudly for him.

I've got to succeed!!

System: Weapon transformation at 12%...21%...54%...77%...85%...99%!!

Ah ah ah! If I fail, I'll destroy all the guilds, when I rage I leave a million bodies in my wake!!