Chapter 176: The History of Workers' Blood and Tears

System: Accelerating the construction for 1 hour will require 3000 Gold Coins, Wood: 100, Mineral: 100, Quick Silver: 30. Upon activation, the construction period of the checkpoint will reduce by 1 hour. Do you want to activate instant acceleration?

Without any hesitation, Chu You eagerly chose to accelerate.

When the system automatically deducted Chu You's resources, the countdown timer at the top left corner suddenly went down by an hour, showing 1 day, 06:59:45 remaining.

Can we continue?

If there's money, of course, we can!!

So, Chu You kept choosing the accelerator. Every time he did so, a system prompt would appear and Chu You would unhesitatingly select confirm, resulting in a steady decrease of his resources.

I may lack many things, but I never lack money!!

As Chu You unremorsefully chose to accelerate, more and more dark shadows appeared on the river surface, each one waving its tentacles rapidly.