Chapter 259 Heavenly Gate Fortress

Chu You bid his leave and exited the Imperial Palace. On his way back, his face was calm as a peaceful lake, but upon closer inspection, one could see a lingering frostiness.

How could he remain unaffected? Ever since he decided to take the higher path and make contact with high-level NPCs, he had paid a heavy price and invested a lot of time. His ultimate goal was achieved. Once he placed the Taoist Jade Seal in the Heavenly Gate Fortress, his guild would become the first ruling guild of "Celestial World".

But now, he was asked to pay a million Gold Coins to the Court every Sunday; if not... it wasn't as if they could immediately claim back the governing power. He had obtained the Taoist Jade Seal, no one could take it back. The only way was to attack the fortress and forcibly retrieve the Taoist Jade Seal from him. There was no other choice!