Chapter 380: You Suck Blood, I Suck Blood Too

"Where the hell did these monsters come from?" A High Guard growled in frustration.

The killings continued, and they still couldn't make out the figure of the War Demon Concubines, only guessing from the red flashes of their swords that there were no less than 10 enemies around. It was horrifying. Moreover, there were creatures in the sky that looked more like demons. Could it be that even Hell's forces had joined the fray? That seemed impossible!

Thinking of Hell's forces, one High Guard couldn't help but show the fear on his face.

Another level 40 injured NPC fell into a pool of blood, battles broke out in the sky. The six-winged demons attacked even the Blood Clan, making the situation even more confusing for the NPC's. They had no idea what on earth was going on.

14 regular demonic spells hit the Blood Clan Viscount. Chu You noticed that the lowest-ranking members of the Blood Clan are Viscounts, with no Barons or Knights.