Chapter 398: You Won't Get Off That Easily

As she watched the familiar scenes quickly receding on both sides, Bao'er felt a sense of hollowness in her heart. Was this what it was like to be a rootless duckweed, as described in books? Where exactly did her future lie? Was it something she could clearly see?

Bao'er turned her head to look at Chu You, who was driving calmly. In that moment, her eyes seemed to light up with color. Her future was with him!

He glanced at Bao'er from the corner of his eye and smiled slightly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason."

Not delving deeper into her inexplicable statement, Chu You thought for a while before dialing his special assistant's number.

"Hey boss."

"What's the progress on that assignment I gave you?"

"Everything is progressing smoothly. Our Changling branch has already sent someone to assist Lin Luor, and our subsidiary in Mohai has arranged a contact at that hospital." The assistant quickly reported the situation.

"Good. Wishing you all the best with it."