Chapter 476: Golden Qi Furnace

Each time an execution of a prisoner takes place, the tally of living creatures killed for his own count increases. Following that, he would see a splash of red from a blood bead slip in from outside the door and into his own body. Such a process is invisible to anyone but himself, even when everyone else here is a high-level NPC.

Chu You discovered an odd fact; even when the executions were carried out under his orders, the System still counted it as his kills. It was as if he'd found a shortcut, lit up like a 'Stellar Highway.' The task of killing living creatures he was assigned required the lives of 100,000 NPCs. If it was directed at the Yan Kingdom, it would be a disaster!

Even if it was applied to other states among the Huaxia Six Nations, apart from how time-consuming it would be, the killing process could still pose a risk.

So, when he heard about the substantial number of NPC prisoners at the Eastern Fortress, he became intrigued.