Chapter 632: Awkward Alliance

How far is the ruling fortress of the Chu Kingdom from the War Soul Guild? A hundred and eighty thousand miles might be an exaggeration, but it's safe to say the distance is vast indeed.

For Chu You, every moment is worth a million gold. Though this philosophy may seem exaggerated, it gives a glimpse into his style of conduct.

What Vast Half could see, Chu You could see too.

At present, the Chu Kingdom War Soul Guild and he are in an ambiguous relationship. The dominance hierarchy between the two bosses has been established, and a mandatory cooperation has been formed. In another sense, one might say the War Soul Guild has yielded to Chu You.

It's not a matter of losing face, because large guilds that were unwilling to submit no longer exist, at least not in the Chu and Yan Kingdoms.

Since the War Soul Guild brings Chu You an income exceeding ten million gold coins, why not form an alliance as a form of reciprocation?