Chapter 40 Before the End


On the sixth day of the seventh month in the Year of Bingyin, it is auspicious to repay the gods and form alliances.

Li Yan replayed the video tapes of Zhou and Xu Tianci.

Xu Tianci wielded the Butterfly Dual Blades, his movements fluid as a dragon gliding through the water.

Zhou wielded a single Nine Rings Broadsword, his blade slashing wildly like splattered ink, at one point suppressing Xu Tianci to the extent that he couldn't strike back. Li Yan watched the Wensheng Swordsmanship, as unpredictable as mercury spilling onto the ground, until his palms began to sweat.

Twenty-one slashes, exactly twenty-one slashes—Li Yan admitted to himself that he couldn't find any opportunity to counterattack. And it was these twenty-one slashes that left Xu Tianci covered in bloody marks.

It was here that Li Yan's eyes sharpened.
