Chapter 1 Settlement


Countless mottled lights and shadows twisted and danced before Li Yan, like flames leaping in a gusty wind.

Cha Chai, Cheng Hunan, He Andong...

One after another, figures flashed by crazily.

The gloomy and cramped fortress, the fat rats scurrying through the filthy sewers, the tumultuous boxing ring with sewage flowing everywhere, the girl's half-turned face rising beneath the angry, antenna-crossed, smog-filled skies...

The blood-stained weapons, the dusky gun muzzles sparking with fire, the men's roars and laughter, finally freezing on the image of a colossal python leaping towards the sky, its fierce fangs in clear sight.

Li Yan stared dumbfounded at his right hand, his fingers intact, all the wounds on his body vanished without a trace, and even his mental state was surprisingly good!

Li Yan had no time to look around as a voice sounded in his ear.