Chapter 4 Ghost in the Mountains

Northeast Barrel

Category: Matchlock Gun

Quality: Ordinary

Firing Rate: 1 round/minute

Range: 200 meters

Requirements: Military Skill specialization above 50% or Firearms specialization above 65%

Li Yan flipped the long firearm back and forth, his fingers tracing the curved hook of the firing mechanism before tossing it to Wang Sheng.

"Lord, this…"

The somewhat youthful-faced Wang Sheng clutched nervously at his palm.

"Among us, you are the youngest. Keep it for self-defense."

Deng Tianxiong, with his hair fluttering, stepped in, bringing with him a hissing cold wind.

"Lord of the Banner, both corpses have been thrown into the ice holes. No tails left behind."

Li Yan positioned the other ronin's wakizashi upright, his brows slightly furrowed, "Then we can't stay here much longer…"

His eyes shifted to Deng Tianxiong, "The Japanese blades are not bad. Can you adapt to using one?"