Chapter 12 Breakout (3)

The ashen hooves sank deep into the mud, as a handful of Black Mane Warhorses burst out from among the sword formations of the Shangshan Legion. Each rider was in a sorry state, with one or two arrows stuck in their bodies.

Li Yan's spearhead was smeared with flesh and blood, with stains of blood in the crevices of his armor. Only his pair of eyes remained bright and clear, shining like great stars, evidence of his ferocious battle to fight his way out!

The entire squad formed a wedge with Li Yan leading the charge. A few brothers with lighter injuries were spread out on the wings, while Deng Tianxiong brought up the rear of the formation.

In one hand, he wielded the Goose Feather Sword so tightly that no wind could pass through. An arrow had struck his chest, but the armor had prevented it from penetrating deeply.