Chapter 18 The Enemy Approaching the City

The bugle call waned, with heavy footsteps, shouting, and the clinking of armor all melding into one, the camp was a scene of haste.

"General Li, General Li."

Song Zhongji looked around to see no one else, grasped the hem of his robe, and hurriedly ran to Li Yan's side.

Li Yan and the others were currently changing into their armor, getting ready to depart, and couldn't help but smile when they saw him coming.

"Isn't this Song Translator? What are you doing here instead of running around the Joseon camp? Hey, Tianxiong, have you seen my boots?"

"Listen to me."

He grabbed a ladle, scooped up a gulp of cold water, and stuttered as he followed Li Yan, who was searching for his boots in the tent.

"Whom did you write about?"

"What do you mean 'whom did I write about'?" Li Yan did not understand.