Chapter 27 Taking Everything for Oneself Use

Li Yan stepped forward two paces and bowed deeply, "Li Yan of the Ming Country's Liaodong Town General Flag, greets the great She Mountain Woman."

The She Mountain Woman's crystalline eyes wandered over Li Yan, her arched brows lowered as she replied gently, "Guests are to be welcomed. Last time, General, you did not trust my words; perhaps this time you are willing to drink the soup I've made…"

Li Yan coughed, "Back then, we were fleeing and struggling, naturally panicked and suspicious, which is why we offended you. Your soup had a very good taste."

With a sweet smile, the She Mountain Woman lightly tapped with her finger. Ash-colored tiles and wooden fence posts rose from the ground, and in no time, a farmhouse appeared before everyone. Leading the girl by the hand, she turned to glance back at Li Yan and the others, then pushed the door open and entered.