Chapter 31: Ambush at Datong River!


Under the cover of night, the piercing cold wind cut to the bone as a thick layer of ice formed on the Datong River. Konishi Yukinaga's horse hooves tapped on the ice, scrutinizing his own disheveled soldiers before lifting his gaze to the moonlight, falling silent.

While stationed in Pyongyang, Konishi Yukinaga commanded over fifteen thousand men, along with those on Peony Peak, totaling seventeen thousand. But in just a few days, his most esteemed general, Goto Kagi, perished at Peony Peak, and three thousand of the elite musketeer troops suffered heavy losses, with countless soldiers wounded or dead. By the time Konishi Yukinaga fled Pyongyang, including the injured and disabled, he was left with fewer than eight thousand men.

"Old Konishi, cheer up, at least we're still alive, aren't we?"