Chapter 33 Heaven's Singular Plan (Part 1)

Name: Li Yan

No current representation: None

Completed Yan Fu incidents: 1

Ongoing Yan Fu incidents: 2

The main Yan Fu incident progression is as follows:

1. Obtain a Yan Fu Talisman with the Power of Yazi: 0/1

2. Kill Esteemed Walker Konishi

3. Kill three types of Warring States Exotic Beasts: 2/3

4. Kill at least one Warring States Daimyo General: 3/1 (Exceeded)

The special Yan Fu incidents you've triggered: Form a team composed of the Ming Army and Wild God exotic spirits.

Progress is as follows:

First, the team must have at least one Ming Army leader with strength above "Ten Cities." (Not achieved)

Second, the overall assessment of all exotic spirits and Wild Gods must reach three "Ten Cities" Esteemed Walkers or above. (Already achieved)

Your team has gained a strong army status: Bright (Deficient)

(Yan Fu incidents not fully completed, the troop has no right to name: 482)

Basic enhancement: Increase attack, defense, and speed by 50% (fixed value)