Chapter 39 East-West Confrontation


That night.

"Dong~ Dong~ Dong~"

The sonorous sounds of the watch drums echoed, Song Yi mounted his horse, the clashing of armor plates from the Great Ming cavalry behind him melded into a continuous din, long tassels hung from their helmets, deep red as blood.

Song Yi looked straight ahead, casually touching the armor on his abdomen. The gold-engraved Tiger Head Spear on his Desheng Hook slanted forward menacingly.

Raising both hands, he tied the red Great Banner to the Tiger Head Spear. This spear was an ancient relic, over three meters in length with a gilded tiger head at its tip, its maw clutching the blade, and "Siji" engraved at the base of its shaft, the entirety gleaming with the luster of white gold.

With a flick of the reins, he spurred his horse forward, galloping off with a surge of mounted soldiers closely following behind, making the black earth beneath them shudder.