Chapter 42 Ghost Rider and...

Xuanfu Guerilla General Zhang Jie collided with a Japanese pirate general, both were surprised by the other's strength as they simultaneously exclaimed in astonishment.

Former Tiqi Tiger Guard who specialized in collecting information about the Japanese pirates, Fang Shihui, who had considerable knowledge of the various Daimyos, shouted, "Old Zhang, be careful! That Japanese brigand is called Shishi Renjiu, known as Shengmoli Zhitian, the top fierce general under Tachibana."

Zhang Jie sneered, "Putting aside the skill of the Japanese, they really do have some resounding fancy names."

With those words, he spurred his horse forward to meet his opponent, his iron spear dancing wildly like a frenzied python.

Fang Shihui turned his head to look at the Japanese major general in front of him, clad in light armor with a Sun Moon Helmet.

Ishida Mitsunari. One of the five Bugyō of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army,