Chapter 7 Tiger Rises

"General, you're not a man from the Great Ming."

The She Mountain Woman, wearing Li Yan's blue shirt and paired with black capri pants, looked neat and pure, despite the ill fit. Because the clothes didn't fit quite right, the sleeves of the blue shirt hung loose and partially exposed her ankles, giving this woman, who initially appeared gentle and intoxicating, a clean and refreshing allure.

It could only be said that the knack for pairing clothes is an innate ability for women.

"Strictly speaking, that's indeed not the case."

Li Yan pushed a lunchbox towards the She Mountain Woman with the back of his hand.

He couldn't gauge the true strength of this Wild God who was rumored to have not stepped off She Mountain for over a hundred years. The fleeting glimpse he had of the She Mountain Woman in the desolate house did not reveal her disguise, and neither could the Nine-Winged Sudu nor Niutou Chantan after their Dragon-Tiger Qi Enhanced states.