Chapter 16 Xi Yi


The young man with the white face walked with a light, floating gait, his face coated with white foundation, his mouth slightly open, revealing a bright red tongue. He was dressed in blue soap-colored clothes, with a black and red belt tied around his waist, wearing a red tasseled felt hat.

Li Yan was expressionless, his back to the counter, as he bit into his sauce cucumber, reducing it to mush with each bite.

The young man with the white face looked up at the shopkeeper squinting his eyes, then pointed to the jar's contents—a mix of cucumbers, lotus slices, and silver sprout vegetables, the so-called Eight Treasures Delight—and making a bow, he said softly and politely, "The usual three items for Old Madam Deng, if you please, shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper laughed, "I was wondering, Jia Er, your dog Dao Bazai didn't come with you; even if I wrapped it up for you, you couldn't carry it away. What about it, why don't you take off that ghostly thing of yours?"