Chapter 19: Winter Daylight

Li Yan was sitting in this famous place, Lugou Bridge.

The sun fiercely sprayed down, and black smoke billowed from the top of the green train engine.

Li Yan sat beside the railway tracks, eyeing the distant huge smokestack, with a bottle of Beibingyang soda in his palm, sipping it with relish.

He used to love this drink when he was a kid, but then it disappeared, which was a real pity.

Liang Ye was right next to him, holding an empty bottle.

He stood straight, with weeds growing at his feet.

Liang Ye's parents' whereabouts had been found.

Not bad—the old couple was alive, but it wasn't great either.

Liang Ye's family had a younger sister, who didn't get into university, but attended a technical school, which was decent at that time.

Mrs. Liang had a thrombosis and couldn't get out of bed, while Mr. Liang, nearly sixty, had been laid off and was shoveling coal in the boiler room at the train station, earning eighty-two yuan a month.