Chapter 25: The Descent of Nine-Winged Sudu!

However, Li Yan's shortcomings were very clear.

He was highly mobile with unrivaled close combat abilities.

But he lacked long-range capabilities, and his constitution was fragile.

So now, Li Yan was trying to find a solution to this problem.

The white tail slapped happily against Li Yan's leather shoes as the white tiger cub looked up at him, its pair of wet eyes gazing into Li Yan's, then cocked its head to the side.

"You choose to expend Dragon Tiger Qi to summon a character from the Scale-Ding You Twenty-Four Fruits!"

"You choose to summon the target: Nine-Winged Sudu!"

Trust level of the target: 86%

Strength assessment: Ten Cities Peak

Dragon Tiger Qi consumed: four and a half quarters.

Summoning begins.

Wisp after wisp of nine-colored brilliance steamed off the white tiger cub's fur, forming a pillar of nine-colored clouds as thick as a water tank, with specks of light shaking off it continuously.

A black feather fell from the cloud, followed by two, three...