Chapter 48 Wu Zi Takes a Risk

As he watched the purple flames within the core of the Yan Fu Fruit dim, the wormhole began to enlarge even more.

"Grab the core first!"

Feather Lord pressed his knee downward and, with a hiss, both he and Hate Parting vanished from the spot.


Stone debris shot out.

A dark red Nuomu mask blocked Feather Lord's path.

The five wormholes, with the largest not yet the size of a human head and the smallest only as big as a grain of rice, were obviously too small for a person to pass through, but it was only a matter of time.

"Can't get through, eh..."

The voice of "Hate Parting" was indeed hoarse and unpleasant to the ear.

He was a full head shorter than Feather Lord, dressed in a grey cloth coat, with a long braid trailing behind his head.

At the moment, he was hunched over, hands spread wide, appearing somewhat comical. His face was clearly painted wood, yet the mouth baring fangs was slightly writhing, making it look even more bizarre and frightening.