Chapter 45 Desperate Situation


Li Yan hurried through the alley, looking back uneasily, taking a few steps around the corner, only to bump into a gloomy face.

Both were startled. At the same time, they lunged forward, their wrists colliding.

Fists clashed, elbows supported each other, *bang bang bang* several crisp sounds rang out.

Li Yan's eyes flashed coldly as he delivered a series of blows with the back of his fists to the newcomer's throat, chest, and nose, all in one breath.

The man's body swayed, senseless, yet withstanding the fierce assault, he countered by grabbing Li Yan's wrist.

Li Yan was not flustered, abruptly kicking the opponent in the hollow of the knee.

The man's leg went numb with pain, and he instinctively lurched forward with a cry.

Li Yan shifted back, his fists rising and falling like twin peaks by his ears, smashing onto his opponent's temples.