Chapter 16 E I Co!

Li Yan scrutinized the yellowfish pierced by his sword and activated "A Fleeting Glimpse."

[Gong Fish] One of the three thousand kinds of Heavenly Mother Crossing the Sea, its sound is similar to a baby's cry, and it is said to be the transformation of sailor souls lost at sea. They attempt to follow the Heavenly Mother and be reborn.

Special ingredient: When consumed, there is a chance to slightly increase soul strength.

Skill: [Soul Summoning] (can identify a person's name, summoning their soul).

Threat level: Pale red


Cha Xiaodao, infuriated, had his eardrums ruptured by a fish's roar, despite the toughness of his furry body.

Three thousand kinds across the sea...

Li Yan silently took note of this term, as the lookout atop the mast suddenly blew a piercing whistle, signaling that something was approaching ahead.

"Still going to eat it?"

Li Yan asked.

"If you want to eat it, go ahead!"

Cha Xiaodao replied irritably.
