Chapter 55: Crossing the Strait


Yan Laosi gently exhaled and pushed forward with his palm.

The Spirit of the Duck slowly drifted backward. The surroundings receded and the old man's figure emerged once again in Li Yan's eyes.


"Who is this guy? Where did Cai Qian find this fellow?"

"How strong must he be? He's still standing on water~"

The crowd was in an uproar, buzzing with discussion.

Aboard the Spirit of the Duck, Cha Xiaodao flicked off cigarette ash, "I'm saying, can you just with bare palms stop the Spirit of the Duck?"

Li Yan replied indifferently, "I could smash a big hole in the boat. But no guarantees it will stop."

Cha Xiaodao's face grew serious, "I should be barely able to do it, but not as nonchalantly as him."

Because their muscle and skin tissues are denser, those with the Fur Class heritage generally have greater strength than those of the Feather Class, though the Feather Class has better muscle elasticity and higher burst strength.