Chapter 60: Zhang He's Responsibility

"Gentlemen, put aside old grudges upon your arrival here. Mr. Cai has invited everyone here not only for the purpose of deliverance but also wealth acquisition. I hope that all of you can temporarily set aside any past resentments, unite, and work together to confront the Red Hair."

Cai Qian cupped his hands towards the South Seas bandits gathered before him and said.

"A snake can't move without a head; it's only with a leader that we can get things done properly. It's not to say that becoming an Alliance Hierarch means ordering everyone around; when push comes to shove, we must still deliberate together. Yet, we do need someone whom everyone respects to make the final decisions."

No sooner had he finished speaking than someone interjected.

"Mr. Cai, I understand that a snake can't move without a head, but there's something I must ask."

The speaker was the leader of the White Bottom Gang and he stood very close to those on the platform.