Chapter 67 Finale: The Death of the Medicine Buddha (Conclusion)

"It's very noisy outside."

Ramu Jue rested his chin on the back of his hand, gazing out at the sea of clouds beyond the window.

He turned his head, "What do the folks at Big Ben think?"

From the other end of the long table, the sound of keyboards clacking and pens scratching paper assaulted the air.

They were a group of men and women in white lab coats, each busy recording the reports in their hands or observing computer data.

Amid these people sat a man in his thirties, sporting gold-rimmed glasses and a white lab coat, pouring instant coffee granules into a glass cup with a spoon.

"With such noise outside, perhaps someone wants to give me some trouble," he said in response to Ramu Jue.

Adjusting his glasses, he continued, "After I arrived here, Commissioner Liang told me that it was you who provided us with the pivotal data for the Yak genetic algorithm and insisted on seeing me."