Chapter 12 Deep Sea Church


Li Yan didn't linger in the city for long but immediately took the railcar down the mountain. He had just finished the first act of Dorothy's "Giant Lake" when trouble came knocking.

"There's been an accident; you need to come here."

That's what Cha Xiaodao said in the communication.

On a rugged and craggy seashore, Cha Xiaodao built a bonfire and steadied two half-cooked fish over it. Sitting to one side, he used a small knife to gut the fish, stuffing them with seasoning before propping another one over the flames.

On the shimmering beach lay bodies splattered grotesquely with blood, most of them partially soaked in the seawater. At a casual glance, one might mistake them for discarded marine debris. A lone wooden boat drifted aimlessly at sea.