It Had Knelt!

Hong Xiaofu had an exceptional sleep. He even dreamed. In the dream, his body was crawling like a snake. Every movement he made pushed the disturbing emotions out of his body. 

His skin was breathing and expelling all the negativity from his body while absorbing all the good things from the surroundings. It felt like being immersed in a bubble bath, every pore in his body opening up. It was extremely comfortable. 

Then he woke up, relaxed…

The rest of the laborers were still fast asleep—especially Uncle Chen, whose snoring was as loud as thunder. What was strange was that, while he had been asleep, Hong Xiaofu had not heard a single sound.

As he stood up from the wooden bed, Hong Xiaofu walked outside to stretch his back. The weather was a little chilly, but it didn't bother him. After a short exercise, Hong Xiaofu realized that the soreness he had felt in his arms and legs had disappeared. It was as if he had not moved a single brick that afternoon!