There are some mistakes I had done in the previous novel, so I am writing this new novel.
I didn't explain the characters personalities properly.
Jamie having inherited the power of the horsemen of conquest, considered the species which he considers to be closest to which is human as his own people. He does not like the idea of normal humans getting involved with other supernatural beings and getting hurt without their choice.
Liam is a little lazy due to the side effects of his powers. He doesn't like to involve in the matters of supernatural but does it anyway because of his brothers.
Ryan is a protective brother and somewhat of a kind person, but he is also a battle maniac and often goes berserk like the hulk.
Ralph having inherited the power of horsemen of death, is losing most of his emotions. But this helps him predict the actions of people and manipulate them. Because of this, he cares so much about his brother, they help him keep his conscience and empathy alive. Not letting him become the incarnation of death itself.
And here is the explanation of their powers.
Force: Death, War, Conquest and Famine. Force is a power originating from their souls, it can be used as a substitute for magical energy and it fuels their horsemen powers.
Aura: Similar to touki of DxD; Aura could be used for attacking through energy blasts, boost physical powers to form a second layer of invisible skin which gives them extra defence. It can also be used for healing. Each horsemen aura have unique special properties.
Aura of death- Dark aura which can disintegrate anything when strong and has strong corrosive property.
Aura of Conquest- A White shining aura which has high heat and is like poison to dark&demonic beings. Resistance to dark and demonic energy.
Aura of War- Red Aura which is can turn into a highly toxic liquid which put a curse that can negate healing, and can transform into weapons.
Aura of Famine - Dark green aura which sucks energy from the enemy and gives it to the user.
Now about the rest of their powers-
[ Death-
Flames of passing- Can damage both physical body and soul at the same time. It has the power to destroy elements. ]
[ Conquest-
Conquerer's lightning- Can destroy the bonds between molecules, atoms and even the soul's consciousness. ]
[ War-
Weapon creation- The power to create weapons with War aura. Such weapons are superior to the creations of Blade Blacksmith.
Berserker state- Enhance power when angry. ]
[ Famine-
Devouring beasts- Summon hungry creatures made from the energy that chow down on targets.
Devour- Can create a small black hole which sucks in all energy and covert matter into
Aura of Famine. ]
[ Equipment of Horsemen
Death Cloak: A symbiotic cloak made of dark mass, powered by Death Force. The dark mass has the power to shapeshift. It also grants the power of invisibility.
Armour of War: Boost all abilities, strength, speed all by high ten times. It can absorb damage and release all the power into a blast of kinetic energy. But the absorb is limited, it can only absorb half of the power of its damage resistance.
Cloak of famine: Absorb physical&magical damage and converts it into energy to supply user. Unlike War Armour, it also capable of curses and soul attacks depended on the level of the user.
Crown of conquest: It gives the user the ability to borrow power from his followers and brothers. ]
I am changing some parts in this new novel. To those want Rias and gang to die, they will die but not now.
And at their full potential, each horseman can easily destroy Trihexa.