( Liam POV )
Saji: "Who are these guys?",He pointed at us.
Sona: "They are Delfós brothers." , Before Sona could finish, the boy spoke again.
Saji: "Are they peerage pieces like us?"
This is something I cannot tolerate. I jumped on him as he dropped on the ground. I got up on him and started punching him in the face.
Rias looked at my brother and asked or ordered.
Rias: "Stop him!"
Ralph: "I won't."
Rias: "He just asked is he a part of a peerage or not."
Ralph: "Part of peerage or slave, what's the difference?"
Ralph: "Leave him alone Liam, he seems almost dead."
I looked at the bloody pulp of a face and then got up and sat again beside my brother while Asia dropped on her knees and started healing Saji.
Sona: "My apologies for my servant's behaviour."
Sona: 'Anyway, I was thinking if taking Saji to the underworld, to get a familiar."
Rias: "Interesting, I was thinking the same
about Asia and Issei."
'well, I guess it's time.'
Sona: "Hmm, well, we'll have to decide this, one way or another. Only one peerage can go there."
Rias: "Very well then. I accept your challenge."
I decided that this was enough for me, so I stood up and prepared to leave.
Akeno: "Ara, are you leaving already?"
Me: "I don't have time for these childish games."
Ralph: "Sit down, this could be a little entertaining."
Me: "It's boring..."
Ralph: "Right, but I am staying."
Me: "See you later then, brother."
Sona seemed a bit insulted by my comment, but I was already too bored to care. In the end, I went to relax under a tree, enjoying my break, leaving the 2
households to sort it out, tho I wonder...why did my brothers remain there?
( Ralph's POV )
After they decided to settle this in a game of tennis, I had confirmed that everything was going exactly as I planned. I went to sleep under a tree near where Liam was. I went to sleep and started dreaming.
It was like I was currently in a world, the sky was red, the land was filled with cracks and lava flowing instead of rivers and the river connected to a lake of fire, where I can see hands of people drowning in it screaming in pain for help. Men, women and children all were being tortured as they were being burned alive.
Me: "What is this?"
"The lake of fire."
I heard the voice of an old man coming from behind me, I turned around to see him, I knew who he was. Black cloak, the mouthless, noseless skull like a face with a scythe in his hands.The pale rider, the horseman of death.
Me: "You are....."
Death: "My successor, yes it's me."
I tried to speak but words wouldn't come out of my mouth in his presence. I hate using all my power just to speak one word.
Me: "How....?"
Death: "Now is not the time. Remember the number shall ever be four."
Everything in the scene started fading away.
Death: "I shall speak with you again soon."
I was prepared to listen to Death for hours if it wasn't for someone waking me to reality. When I opened my eyes, I saw Jason.
Me: "Is something the matter?"
Liam: "You want to see this."
Being confused about what he said, I followed him...to see Sona, Rias and their queens in a match of tennis. You would think it's normal, but they were using magic...while the whole school was watching them.
'Are they nuts? What happened to not getting humans involved, or that went up in my flames?'
Liam: "Should we do something?"
I don't want to get humans involved, though I wouldn't mind the boys getting hunted by fallen angels...Seriously, why are all the boys drooling? My brothers were getting news updates of this Match from Liam using Link. Hell, Jamie and Ryan were quite intrigued by this match, probably one of their bets of who'll win.
I summoned a Crow with three eyes to take the ball away from them and end this madness. The crowd was named Nathaniel, he was one of his kind and I received him as a part of my power, he often guides me in tricky situations.
Nathaniel destroyed the ball and flew away, and the match was over.
The two heiresses weren't done yet.
'What's next?'