-Time skip-
( Ralph's POV )
We each took our place in the square standing on each took at each side of the square and it opened a portal from which four horses with different colours jumped out of.
A pale horse which seemed dead yet alive, surrounded by a deathly aura and blue flames.
A Red horse which was like a house of large muscles, surrounded by flames and red aura
A white horse which was beautiful and majestic like he was from a fairyland, surrounded by lightning and glowing white aura.
A Green horse, who was filled with hunger like a gluttonous demon, who's open mouth was like a portal to the realm of Chaos, where ever creation is crushed. Surrounded by dark green aura.
We all get close to each of our horses and put out hands on their forehead and a pentagram appeared on their forehead, which was the proof of their master familiar contract.
Their mere presence wreaked havoc in the familiars in the familiar forest. It was the time to get back and after a while, we found the Gremory peerage with girls clothes ruined. The pervert seems to have found a perverted familiar which was killed by Rias.
In the end, Issei didn't get a familiar, but Asia did get a protective lighting sprite dragon.
-Time skip-
( Ralph's POV )
I was just lying on my bed, Death hasn't contacted me like last time again, we have found the horses that boosted our powers. Now, everyone could just relax for sometime before the training starts again. Let's check my stats
[ Name: Ralph A Delfós
Class: Horseman of Death
Strength: 10,000
Agility: 17,000
Death Force: 300,000 regain: 100 points per minute.
Physical Durability: 15,000
Magical Durability: 20,000
Current equipment:
1.Cloak of Death: It's made death energy. It can take any shape and size as the user wants. It can also store Death Force. It also grants power of invisibility.
1.Flames of passing- the power to burn anything even souls and is even stronger than Ddraig's flames. (Cost: 100 points per minute)
2.Aura of death- Dark aura which can disintegrate anything when in a strong state and has strong corrosive power. (cost 500 points per minute)
3. Summon- 1. Giant Skeletons
2. Nathaniel the crow
3. Jerad, the pale horse
4. Death stops for no one- Power to phase through objects.
1st phase: Normal: peak mid-class power.
2nd phase: Charged with death force: 2×boost. ( cost 2000 per minute) ]
( A/N: It's not a system, it's just put power level in a systematic way. )
I should go to ORC it's boring here.
- Time skip-
Me and my brothers opened the door of ORC and as we went inside knew something bad is going to happen.
Ever got that feeling that something will happen, something that you don't want to get involved with, but you're still dragged into it? Well, that's how I feel now that I see this silver-haired woman in a maid outfit.
"Ah, Rias-sama, Welcome back!"
'Sama? Is she Rias's maid or something?'
Rias: "Grayfia? What are You doing here?"
Grayfia: "I believe you already know all about it."
Rias got tensed all of a sudden, as well as the others except Issei and Asia, who were as confused as me and my brothers.
Rias: "Sigh...I see..."
Issei: "Umm, what is going on?"
Rias: "I'll explain everything in a moment."
Being interested in all this, I positioned myself near the window to listen to her story. While walking there, I got a quick glance from the maid.
Ralph: "Is something the matter?"
Grayfia: "No, but are you Rias's new piece?"
'Another devil look for ass whopping. Calling me a slave, this bitch?'
Jamie: "I'll turn you pieces, bitch."
Rias: "About that, these 4-", she tried to explain, but was interrupted by a magic circle appearing..and from that circle emerged, another pain in the ass.
"Oh, my dear Rias, I have come for you.", He announced.
'Again, confused as hell, but something was telling me that I won't like him, at all.'
Rias: "Sigh...very well. It's time to explain
this situation. You see, Riser Phoenix here
is...my fiance."
That was unexpected. I felt like laughing. Do I feel bad for Issei? Nah. But I could tell that Rias wasn't ok with the idea.
Riser: "Exactly, which is why I've come to take you to the underworld, for our marriage."
Rias: "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not going to marry you. Besides, my brother promised that I'll have time to think about it until graduation."