( Ralph's POV )
I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor beside broken pieces of glass of the mirror with my diary in hand, tonight I will end this all, this nightmare. I opened my diary and started scribbling my last words in my diary. Tears dripping from my eyes.
' Dear brothers, if you are reading this that means I am already dead, I am tired of all this. I had enough of all this, for the last two years, I have been losing my will to live for the past two years. I thank you all for trying to help me all this time.
This month have been the hardest for me, you all told me to share when I feel depressed. Sorry but I am sick all this, I just want to end all this, I want to end all this pain. Don't cry for me and take care of each other after I leave. I love you all.
Love you, Jamie,
Love you, Ryan,
Love you, Liam,
And despite everything that happened, love you too dad. '
I took the broken sharp piece of glass in my hand and bought it near my other wrist. Here it goes, goodbye brothers.
- Current time-
I felt jolted and then opened my eyes to see my room's ceiling. This was not a nightmare but an old memory. Fuck this, I can't sleep tonight.
I touched my cheek and felt something.
"Are these tears?"
-Next day-
I was in the cafe, I usually am when I am doing nothing that's when I got Liam's message.
[ Ralph, you may want to know about this. ]
' What happened? '
[ They got like nine days to train before the rating games. ]
' Nine days! They would improve a little in such amount of time but there is a way they could win. '
[ What way? ]
' If the perv unlocks his balance breaker. '
[ Do you think, he would be able to do that? ]
' The boy has the determination, for all the wrong reasons but still have determination. There is a chance, he may be able to do it. Is there anything else. '
[ They requested us to help us train. ]
' We already got what we wanted, there is no need for us to help them any longer. But we could do our personal training. '
[ With them? ]
' Nah, just us in purgatory. '
[ Purgatory!you are kidding, right? ]
' No I am not, our level cannot be increased anymore with normal training, we need more intense training for that purgatory is the perfect place. '
Purgatory a small separate dimension created by Biblical God. Before he perfected his control over his power of creation and created angels, he created many other abominations before who just had a hunger for power and craved nothing but destruction, to prevent the destruction of the rest of his creations, he created purgatory and sealed all of them there. Purgatory is a prison where his most dangerous and unstable creations are locked.
The information about its existence is secretly locked in the library of Angels.No outsiders know about it, not even other gods and devils. We know about this existence from my dreams.
[ Brother those things would start attacking us as we take our first step there. We need to be in our full power constantly to survive there. ]
' This is the hardest challenge we will face and it's gonna push us to our limits. '
[ Remember when we first entered purgatory. ]
' Yes I remember, we were weak and naive about our newfound powers back then and went there without thinking and we were lucky to escape alive. But things have changed now. Now we are stronger, faster and more powerful than ever before and we even got our horses. Come on. '
[ Again are you sure? ]
' Yes, I am sure and ask Ryan too about this. '
[ Of course, he going to say yes, he is a battle maniac. When we barely managed to escape with our lives, he wanted to stay there and fight more. ]
' Yeah, I know but this we could do it this time. '
[ *Sigh* So when? ]
' We'll leave tomorrow. '