Chapter 3

When I reach our small shabby house with Horus , there's a ruckus going on. I walk faster to see what's the matter. Oh no!! Third prince Imhety and fifth prince Iah are hitting Qebeh again.

"Stop!! Stop hitting him. please!" I try to cover him.

"Move noble lady. He's a thief. You don't need to protect a lowlife like him," Imhety says.

Did he just call me noble lady?? Oh right. I'm wearing clean clothes and makeup.

"Izna??!!" Qebeh seems surprised.

"Yes it's me Izna."

"You're Izna??" Iah's jaw drops.

"Yes she is princess Izna. The great Pharaoh's daughter and the crown prince's future wife. You better show some respect." Horus says with pride.

All of them step back and kneel down.

"We're really sorry. We didn't know."

"Now everyone stand in a line. You're getting whipped in your ass." Horus swings his whip.

"How dare you slave! I'm your prince." Imhety snaps.

"Pharaoh's orders. Whoever bullied princess Izna in the past gets whipped 10 times. As for you two, you're getting hit 50 times. Anyone who denies Pharaoh's orders gets his right hand chopped off."

"Horus please forgive my brothers. They will not do this again," I plead.

"As his slave I can't go against the Pharaoh's orders. Princess please take prince Qebeh inside to treat his wounds."

Few days later.....

We moved in our new palace. We are given the finest luxurious decorations. Qebeh's wounds will heal soon. The royal doctor treated him. After he heals he will start training with the army. Prince plays a major role in royal army.

As for me, I'm being trained to be a noble lady. I'll be the queen one day so I need to learn about all these.

Horus follows me everywhere. Even when I'm doing my makeup done he stands behind. Father ordered him to be my shadow.

"Princess what are you thinking?"

"Horus, have you seen my future husband?"

"Yes. He's a bright and intelligent young man."


"He's a bit arrogant but you will love him when you meet him. Speaking of which, please apply this pomegranate juice on your cheeks. Your skin will glow."

My skin doesn't look exactly like a Egyptian. I may have green eyes and hair like father but my skin is pale like my mother's. Pale skin gets burnt easily in the sun. All these years I haven't taken care of my skin. It looks kinda sunburnt and dull. I need to follow beauty routines to heal my damaged skin. It's tiring but I have to endure it. I'm the future queen after all.