Chapter 18

Izna's POV

At the royal court.....

I dressed up pretty fancy to have more attention. Because attention is all I need right now. The more attention I have the more insult Nephthys gets. As expected, everyone's heads turn to me. Not only men or women, even the walls praise my name.

I smile at everyone and sit beside Nephthys like nothing happened. He seems confused at first then gets himself to his usual form and starts listening to others.

Few hours later.....

Court time almost over now. Time for us to start our game. I give signals to one of my slaves. He nods his head and leaves.

It's time for Pharaoh to give answers and solutions to people. A priest suddenly asks, "Is this true the Pharaoh didn't visit his ill father even once?"

Nephthys's face turns pale. He doesn't answer.

Some people start whispering "I heard too", "Is it true?" "He's not answering"

I keep my cool in front of everyone but deep inside my mind I'm dancing in joy. People start whispering even more. Nephthys is still quiet.

I stand up, "I think the Pharaoh is tired. He doesn't have experience with the royal court duities. Court dismissed for today. I hope you all understand."

Everyone starts leaving. I wink at Horus. Our plan worked. It's time for everyone to leave. They will go through the market talking about what happened in the court. By tommorow's sunrise there will be many rumors about the Pharaoh. Nephthys might be strong and hot headed. But I've managed to survive between the royals alone all these years. I know how to strangle him in his own traps.

The following night....

"Your majesty, you were splendid. Everyone in town is talking about the Pharaoh."

"I don't care about the Pharaoh. What are they talking about me?"

"They are talking about you even more. They are saying things like 'the queen would never do this' 'queen Izna is so mature she should handle everything until the Pharaoh's mature' 'the queen saved his majesty from embarrassment again' and much more. All positive things about you."

"Haha.... perfect."

"As expected of your intelligence. He can't beat you in political fields."

"Now as my reward, go and kidnap Seth for me. I haven't seen him for a long time."

"What if the Pharaoh..."

"He won't find out. He will go to visit father to clear his name. I'm sure about it."

"Alright your majesty."

I quickly take my heavy clothes, wig and makeup off. Let my hair loose and wear a golden outfit that brings out the color of my skin. As soon as Seth arrives I jump in his arms. He hugs me tight.

"I missed you."

"Me too. Look what I brought for you." He takes out a bunch of jasmine flowers."Let me put these on your hair".


He puts the flowers on my hair. Then starts playing with my hair.



"I've been sleeping alone and cold every night since I left your palace."

"Why? You've become so poor you can't afford a consort?"

"Why would I ever think of buying other women?"

"I'm just teasing you.Why don't I make this night warm enough to melt your heart?"

"Please do your highness."

I pull him closer. He jumps on top of me and starts kissing me wildly. This is the part I love about him most.....