Chapter 26

Izna's POV

Something is wrong! I'm supposed to hate him. He doesn't deserve love. He treated me like trash in the past. He killed Sheila and her unborn child. He tortured my brother, took away his happiness. No matter what I can't love this person. But why is this happening? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel he's innocent when I clearly know he's a monster.

This way I can't fullfil my promise to Qebeh. Right now he's sleeping holding me in his arms. Part of me wants to push him away when another part of me feels safe in his arms.

"Nephthys wake up."

"Aaa??? Why?"

"You have to attend the court."

"You will go too. Let's get ready together."


"I don't want to leave you. I will just order the slaves to bring my clothes here."

"Are you sure?"


After we get ready, he insists going to the court together. I don't know why is he acting clingy today. He hugged me inside our carriage all the way to the court.

"Your majesty we've reached."

Horus opens the carriage door for me and reaches out to hold my hand.

"Filthy slave who gave you permission to touch my queen!!!!" Nephthys points his sword at Horus.

"I apologise great Pharaoh. I've been doing this for years."

"Well now you won't. If you touch her again I'll chop off your hand."

"NEPHTHYS!!! How can you say that?? Horus is loyal to me."

"I don't care how loyal he is. He's still a man. He can't touch my wife. I will do it from now."

He actually walks down and holds my hand to help me out. This stubborn kid!!! He will ruin his image as a Pharaoh.

As we walk in the court, people run close to me.

"Queen Izna!" "Are you feeling alright now?" "The queen seems lively today" "Long live queen Izna" "I prayed for your health" My guards have to actually push them back.

"Thank you everyone. Your prayers were answered. I am really grateful for the love you showed me." I say with a sweet smile. These simple words lighten up their faces.

"Haha! Did you see Lapis? They love my queen deeply." Nephthys says grining ear to ear.

"That's what scares me most, Pharaoh. She's loved by the people more than you. I'm afraid if someday she decides to rebel against you these people will follow her." She's says loud enough to let me hear her clearly. For some reason, this woman hates me.

"Don't spout nonsense Lapis. My queen loves me deeply. She will never betray me." He kisses my hand.

"What are you doing? We're in the court."

"Oops! I forgot."

"Behave yourself."

"I'm sorry my queen. I'm not well behaved. Please punish me personally in your chamber tonight."


I feel like biting off his head right now. But I have to look elegant in front of the people. So I curse him in my mind instead.