Chapter 53

Nephthys's POV

"Are you sure you can do this?? I don't think you're brave enough."

Although I'm shaking inside, I hide it with a blank expression.

"Don't act too high! I'm still the Pharaoh. You could have your tongue pulled out."

"I'm sure my kind Pharaoh wouldn't do that. My tongue is precious to you right now."

"Shut up and go before someone sees you."

"As you wish. Here's a potion for you."

"What is it?"

"It will make everything easier. Don't worry. It's not poison. I can't kill you yet."


"I might have to kill you someday."

"When is that?"

"I don't know. My master will decide."

"Heh... I'd love to see you try. Go now."

He leaves quietly. I wonder how he gets inside every time without getting caught. I need to train my bodyguards properly. Now first thing first. I need to take care of that bitch Umena. I don't know what kind of potion he handed me. He said it'll make things easier. I will trust him this time. I open the tiny jar. It smells awful. Tastes disgusting.

Few moments later....

I'm starting to feel hot. My body is almost burning. Now I understand why did that sour faced bastard gave me this. It's a sign. He's guiding me indirectly. I get up and walk to Umena's palace. I hope she isn't sleeping with Izna tonight. In that case, I should take more guards with me. I hate to admit it but Izna actually is stronger than me. She was trained by Seth after all.

"Where is Umena?" I shout at the maid.

"Gre..great Pharaoh... pardon my presence. She's sleeping in her chamber." The poor maid is shaking like crazy. It's really amusing to scare people to this extent. I'm going to tease her again someday.

"GUARDS!!! Stand your ground. If anyone tries to go out or barge in, cut their head off."

"As you command great Pharaoh!!"

"Actually no....not everyone... If it's your queen then don't stop her. Step back and run away. I don't want to lose my loyal warriors."

Everything is going as planned. Now where is the villain of this drama? There she is! Sleeping like a pig. I wonder how did Yusef send this ugly, gross woman to seduce me?? Looking at her makes me want to vomit. If I hadn't taken that potion I'd never feel sexually aroused. This better be quick.

"GET UP!!!" I kick her.

"Awww ... ahhhh....."

"On your knees."

She tries to get up but fails.

"I said on your knees!!!" I kick her again.


She tries to curl in a ball. I quickly grab her hair and pull her up.

"Ple... hurts...."

"How dare your talk back!!!"



*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*

After twenty more slaps her face turns bright red and she finally stops screaming.

"Now you better tell me your father's plans. Otherwise...."

"I don't...*huff*... know.....*huff* *huff*... I don't know... anything... please....."

"I guess I have to get rough."


"TALK!!! Bitch!!!!"

She's a tough nut. She's not spitting a word. Just trying to hide her face. I have to make her confess before Izna comes to save her. I give her a few moments to catch her breath.

"Listen if you tell the truth, I will promote you. You can be powerful and popular like Izna."

"No. I don't want to."

"What do you mean? You don't want to know how it feels to stand on a platform and watch people cheering for you?"

"Heh... says the Pharaoh who's actually jealous of his queen's popularity."

She smirks with blood coming out of her teeth. Gross bitch!!! She hurt my pride just now. I didn't want to do this but she left me no other choice.

"Take off your clothes."



"Take off your clothes right now. I'm going to **** you real hard."


"Why not? Your dreams coming true. You can give birth to a son and become mother of the next Pharaoh."