Chapter 57

Izna's POV

How dare he!! He's laying on my bed like nothing happened. I'd slice his throat right now if I could.

"My lovely queen!! I've been waiting for you."

Though I want to shred him into pieces, it's not the right time to do that. I have to play along.

"Great Pharaoh! What an honor. How can I serve you?" I force myself to smile.

"You're ignoring me lately. You don't love me anymore. You don't invite me to bed anymore. So I'm here to punish you."

"I'm truly sorry my love. I deserve death. If only I knew I'd go to your palace myself. But I thought you were busy getting laid with other women."

"WHO TOLD YOU THAT? How can you accuse your husband without any proof?"

"I'm sorry. I guess my age is making me insecure. Now that I'm an old lady I get jealous of young girls easily."

"Who said you're old?" He pulls me close. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"I'm honored."

"Why are you ignoring me? When was the last time you let me sleep here?"

"I can make it up to you right now."

"Mmmhmm.... let me take off your gown. I'll eat you up tonight."

Judging by his actions I can say he's on drugs. It's not alcohol. It's something else. He's not strong enough to get aroused twice in one night. Men from my family tree are weak when it comes to ***. Even my father was almost sterile. His queens would go and sleep with other men. He had many children. Only me, Qebeh and Nephthys are his own children.

"You don't seem too happy. What happened my love?? Is there something bothering you?"

"No. I'm ok. I was just thinking about something."

"Tell me about it."

"It's just a silly riddle Horus told me before. The Pharaoh doesn't need to worry about it."

"First, call me by my name when we're alone. Second, everything about you is important to me. Now tell me about the silly riddle. Maybe I can help you solve it."

Huh this is bad. I can't remember any riddles at this moment. I have to distract him somehow.

"My love aren't you forgetting something important?"

I pull my gown a little to let him peek inside for a moment.

His eyes light up like a fire pit.

"Ah yeah. Let's forget about the silly riddle for now. Come here."