Chapter 60

Anhur's POV

I didn't like the slave from the beginning. Something about him gives me creeps. The way he looks at you as if he can pierce you with his gaze. He's clever. Too clever I must say. I have no idea what he's going to do with this wrecked plan of his. Threatening Yusef and planning to spread false rumors about Izna doesn't sound like it's going to help. Anything goes wrong, I will lose a helping hand like Yusef. I may also lose my head if Nephthys finds out I helped spreading the rumors about his beloved.

Yusef's POV

"You want me to do what!!!?" I can't believe. The queen must have lost her freaking mind.

"You heard what Horus said. You will send your men to spread rumors that I tortured your daughter, held her captive because I'm infertile and jealous of her getting pregnant first."

"Absolutely not. This means war with the Pharaoh."

"Of course. You wanted war from the beginning. Didn't you?"


"I know you don't care about your daughter but I do. I'd do anything to protect her."

"She's not worth that much."

"That's up to me. You can either decide to deny my request and lose your life right now like a coward. Or you can lose your life fighting like a warrior in the battlefield."

"What... why'd I have to die?"

"I don't have much time Yusef. You want to be called a coward or a war hero by your people?"

"Of course I want to die like a hero. But there must be another way."

"There is. I just don't want you to live any longer. You're also responsible for the poor child's assault. I want you to die. But I'm being generous. You get to decide how you want to die."


"Decide your fate Yusef."

"Please..." Oh no!! Did I just beg? No. I can't be weak in front of a woman. When the time comes warriors must take a tough decision. She's right. I'm dead either way. I have to die gracefully, I have to die with honor, like a great warrior in the battlefield. My name should be hailed and I should receive a tomb of a war hero. Full of gold, jewels, finest silk and 100 slaves.

"So.. what's your answer?"

"I choose a warrior's death. I will help you achieve what you want. Although I don't know what you're going to achieve by tainting your own image...."

"Silence!! The queen knows better than you." The slave tightens his grip around my neck.

"As you wish, I will do what you asked me to do."