Drip! A first step! Revenge!

A wretched feeling consumed the bunny and made it flinch. When the bunny came back to its senses a stone arrow was a mm from its eye. Even though the bunny had only been unconscious for a nanosecond the stone arrow was right next to its eye, and the speed pushing it forward was intense. The bunny consumed its demonic qi at an extreme speed, and managed to use its hereditary ability speed+ and dodged the arrow piecing into its eye, but a large bloody scar was made on the bunnie's face. Ryuk felt a bloated like feeling when he first ate the pill, but after moving with extreme speed he felt absolutely normal. The qi from the pill was like a faucet pouring water to the tub(the body), but everytime a drop of water was added Ryuk took a drop out thus preventing him from exploding. While Ryuk was attacking he also made sure to inspect his body to identify the movement of qi so he could replicate it later.

Drip! A large echo resounded in Ryuks body. Ryuk was incredibly confuses as to what that noise was he had checked and had seen that he had no injuries so what was that noise? Drip! The sound again emerged in Ryuks body, but this time a feeling of power emerged from his natal and seemed to mutate his body. Ryuk instantly realized a drop of qi had entered his dantian, and it was currently changing his composition - albeit slowly. Ryuk was so excited and suprised that he forgot about the situation he was in. A large thud echoed in the forest, it sounded like the sound of leather hitting leather. The rabbit had tried hitting Ryuk again in his chest, but this time it was deflected. Ryuk felt the movement of energy to his chest the second the attack passed, and any residual pain disappeared. The rabbit was incredibly frustrated and confused. 'I've entered a quasi first sky? No wonder the bunny's attack didn't do anything. Although the humming Bunny naturally has a great jumping force its not something specialized so its about the same as a slightly stronger bunny. Furthermore the humming bunny isnt an offensive beast its attack is horrible and it cant hurt first skies at all so me being quasi first sky means that ill be fine albeit with a tiny bit of pain, but the qi from the pill is negating even that. Currently my battle power should be about a third sky or fourth, and i should have a recover ability of a second sky. I would have a much better recovery ability, but most of the pills energy is being wasted as it isn'tt being directed properly and a little bit is being converted into drops of qi and falling into my dantian this is still good this rabbit won't be able to survive long with my current abilities'Ryuk Ryuk snickered in his heart. The bunny was able to see the differences in its prey, and felt an instinct to run, but the sizzling of pain being released from its scar made it stay and decide to kill. Mutated beasts were typically more intelligent than normal ones (This is why the bunny wanted to toy with its prey and not just simply eat), and the species peculiarities are also enhanced. Bunnies typically are beings of affection or beauty, this mutated bunny was especially conceited and believed its looks to be much more dashing that any other being so when Ryuk cut its face this was no longer a simple battle to the bunny - it was revenge.