A breakthrough! An end!

What is cultivation? Ryuk had pondered over that question many times. It was a mystical thing that allowed even the scum of earth to become gods, but other than that literally speaking what is it? Ryuk while going through many short stories and poems in a book about cultivation had a revelation. It is a process to eliminate waste, enhance life, and empower oneself, but the process in doing that was much more simple than it seemed. In the lower realms where Ryuk presided only stages sky - rebirth stage existed and from the details of the various stages Ryuk found a similarity the way people talked about the energy moving through meridians was similar to a ocean being connected to rivers and passing through the land. Cultivation techniques basically paved the path for the water to flow through, but Ryuk couldnt really do this he didnt have a technique and foolishly trying would be detrimental to him, but he realized that humans had the natural ability to obtain this flow. firstly cultivation techniques didnt really do anything other that affect the quality of the qi or the nature of it. To Ryuk it didnt seem that important even though it was. Anyway cultivation techniques simply affected the qi itself not the body or the path it took. Ryuk realized the body would only do this natural circuit if the qi in the dantian was filled to the point of bursting and even then it had only a small chance of acting. The second way it could happen related to the body natural defensive mechanism, but this was even harder. The human body in the face of something like death or despair seemed to unleash the maximum potential it could. There were always stories of mothers lifting large carts to save their children and the such, but even then the possibility of having a natural cycle form was very slim. To be fair many practitioners had already also realized this, but just to get a better flow of qi who would sacrifice the power being qi that had been tempered in the element of flame from some technique or the likes.

Currently Ryuk formed his own natural circuit, but something dreadful happened the qi from the pill orginally was dormant, but now it was like a rampant bull charging into his dantian and being absorbed.furthermore it didnt stop there the drops of qi in Ryuks dantian acted the same way as the impure qi gas. Perhaps it was the danger level or perhaps it was the quantity of the qi or both, but Ryuks portal Meridian which was the basis on obtaining first sky split the rampant energy sending it in 8 directions. Ryuk realized the rampant now filtered qi liquid was trying to forcefully make him advance and at the same time the impure excrements of the qi which was filtered by the dantian normally would be subdued by the qi in the dantian making sure no waste would happen was left alone. Ryuk not only had to deal with the harmful impurities in his dantian, the multiple successive advancements, but also the Death law containing humming bunny. Ryuk didnt realize his good fortune opening all 9 skies at once to cultivators was highly beneficial as it made future advancements very stable.

The law of death shot at Ryuk again. Ryuk shot his killing intent again and surprisingly it struggled much longer than the prior struggle before being destroyed. The reason Ryuk was worried that the multiple successions in a row would be bad is because he had read that the foundation would be weak if ones cultivation skyrocketed and therefore his future would be affected and Ryuk was not wrong to think this way, but he didnt know the skies are just the connection of the dantian to the portal Meridian to the other 8 core meridians. So truly it was not detrimental, but beneficial. Furthermore for some reason Ryuks killing intent was getting stronger with the increase in power so he decided to put the issue of the multiple successions to the back of his head. 8 successive clicks could be heard in Ryuks body he was now no longer a mortal he was a cultivator.

The bunny seemed to be startled but then became more firm in front of Ryuks increasing power. Ryuk looked into to the once prideful bunnies eyes and saw no soul Ryuk understood as a weak being to be able to use the laws so wantonly - to use the laws at the bunnies current cultivation meant a huge price had to be paid - its soul.

The bunny seemed to only be able to use basic attacks now which made Ryuk feel even more confident.

The aura of death began to release from the bunny much more violently almost as if the laws of death themselves were furious with Ryuk for going against it, but Ryuks killing intent was also more potent and even if the death god were to appear in the bunny with its low realm how much of its aura could it actually use. The two auras clashed and an invisible battle started. The rabbit and human fighting had surprisingly caused the nearby demonic beasts to flee even some hunters roaming felt the energy fluctuations and ran far far away.

Ryuk realized the arrows were useless and threw them down not only were they unable to piece through the green fur from Ryuks estimations, the tips had already deformed how could stone no matter how much power within not become blunt when coming into contact with the tough hide of a demonic beast. Ryuk used his fists instead.His cells seemed to have evolved and he believed these were the best weapons he could use.

Due to fact that the auras they both released seemed to neutralize each other the bunny and Ryuk both came to a conclusion that they needed to fight face to face. Ryuk made large strides his long black hair flew around as he sped forward and although the speed was alien to Ryuk for some reason he felt that it wasn't enough for him. The bunny was slightly slower. Ryuk used the boxing style he saw the small militia from green doe village using when he would walk around town. It was rough and nor very smooth, but the very basics as well as qi were implemented. A right hook followed by moving closer to the enemy and releasing a left uppercut. The bunny while mid air was shot very far away the red in its eyes seemed to fade it was obviously dying. The bunny truthfully would have had better chance if its mind was still stable, but in front of stength a crazed mindless bunny was bound to die. Many more exchanges happened and although the bunny was mindless it didnt make it incapable of fighting back the demonic instincts it possessed allowed it to strike back quite a few times, but the qi in Ryuk would just turn a little before becoming still. After a hundred exchanges Ryuks fists were bloody and skinless. Although his fists had become more advanced he had yet to consolidate the change so they were still very weak. The bunny was coughing blood with each rough breath the previous beautiful fur looked even more stunning colored in crimson blood. Slowly it slouched down and let out a last squeak and died. Ryuk let out a queer chuckle and felt he was about to lose conciousness. A half concious Ryuk grabbed the bunny and wobbled over to the Xin dog house and collapsed.