The Animal! Luck?!

Millions of Sparks and after images were left as Ryuk continued clashing with Daniel. Ryuk was at a disadvantage when it came to weapons and qi, but with the myriad of styles he had learned he managed to keep himself safe. Ryuks styles included Tiger descent, Dragon roar, Eagle wing edge, Ant snap, Fish slap, Snake shift, Fearful crane and Bull rage. three offensive skills, one defensive skill, two counter skill, one stun skill and one shift skill. The styles were all rudimentary and rough, but each style had been studied and exploited to the maximum he could with his human body. Daniel was shocked again and again, but the ringing of his demon wheel made him fearful. The reason the demon wheel of death was ringing was because it was longing like man looking at a old flame. The death aura around Ryuk compelled it and drew it in, but no matter how much that affection covered the blade it still felt the killing intent from Ryuk and didnt hold back. Ryuk has signs of exhaustion appearing, but that didnt seem to stop Ryuk.

Finally a robust change occured and ended the endless battle. Ryuk used Tiger descent and pieced Daniels eye. Daniel clenched his eye in pain, but would Ryuk stop a seemingly endless barrage of attacks fell on Daniel. Perhaps it was its own arrogance or perhaps it was out of fear for its owner, but the Wheel hummed and Ryuk was pushed back, but a small crack appeared on the wheels surface. Ryuk tried to sit up, but was stopped when a large mouthful of blood came up into his mouth. Ryuk vomited many liters of blood and although this amount of blood loss was fine for cultivators like Ryuk, but his death aura seemed to acting against him rampaging through his meridians.

Ryuk stood up he knew that the only solution was to quickly settle his death law down, but he couldnt in this situation. The previous excitement Ryuk and Daniel had now disappeared instead now the two were like hungry wild wolves. Daniel cut his hand off and blood splurged out and fell onto the blade. The smell of blood seemed to excite the wheel and an ethereal mouth came out of the blade and devoured the cut hand. The wheel spun quickly exuding a violent bloodlust. Ryuk fell on his hands and feet his butt raised high like a crouching tiger ready to pounce. Ryuk had forfeited all human methods and entered a very animalistic and violent style. Ryuk had surprisingly developed inspiration in this battle and smirked. If the originators of the vast combat styles were to look at Ryuk they would only be able to clap their hands and scream excellent. In the universe humans were weak except for a high spirituality and affinity for cultivation they were useless, but at the beginning the very beginning when life first sprouted out. when qi simply existed not being greedily devoured by every cultivator. Humans used tools to match the natural strength of beasts, but that wasnt true combat. Tigers, dragons, lions, turtles, snakes, eagles, crows and many other species had a natural way of combat. What Ryuk had done was cast away all conventional thinking of human superiority or beast pride. He was a mix of everything. The intelligence of a human the natural predatory abilities of a beast.

Ryuk rushed forward in a way that perplexed the mind each step seemed to push him in 3 directions. Although that didn't make sense that was the best way to describe it. Ryuk had just created this move and decided to name it crouching lion. The swaying movements made it seem like he existed and didnt. Ryuk subtly exploded front he grabbed Daniels head with his hands tightly, but would Daniel allow Ryuk to just be? The wheel swept past leaving a countless sharp death auras to sting into Ryuk, but that wasnt the most fearful thing cuts appeared on Ryuks body even though the wheel didnt touch him. Ryuk grimaced, but held firm. He jumped up still holding Daniels eye widened face. Ryuks was now behind Daniel still holding his head. Ryuk shot great amounts of qi into his legs and as he was still in midair he shot his legs like cannons back. Daniel felt his bones crack, but the momentum carrying his torso seemed to be facing a indomitable wall as his head was held firmly. Daniel felt excruciating pain as if he about to split apart. Ryuk pulled and pushed harder. Sounds of horrid tearing echoed.


The sound of a body falling followed by a ball falling echoed. Ryuk licked the blood on his fingers his pupils contracting like a wild beasts.

As Ryuk felt the joy from killing and of being so domineering a cold feeling interrupted him. Ryuk looked down and saw his chest a massive hole his half torn organs flailing around. Ryuk looked back at Daniel his headless body slumped up possessing some incomparable power. Ryuk fell down coldly mocking his luck, but as his conciousness was about to fade something in his head seemed to violently burst and Ryuk fell into deep thought each second lasting a 100 years in his mind.