The almighty legendary scoundrel who's name echos throughout time.

Ryuk didnt have any money and so he couldn't buy a hotel so he just found a isolated spot near the stadium and entered his soul to train.

The chirping of the birds and the shimmer of the rising sun brought the focused Ryuk back to reality. Ryuk pulled Ryo out of his ring and got him some food and water. Ryo didn't seem very hungry, but he still happily ate what his master got for him. Ryuk headed for the stadium and when he got in there was comparatively more people in the stands and unlike before they used large banners and colors to express their joy. The dirt ground held now 40 people and from them 20 people will make join the imperial sect.

"Alright children we will be having ranked battles now." An old man came forward and said. The man waved his man asking the contestants to move away. Then the man pressed down with his hand and a large stage was erected. "First battle Ryuk vs Fiona." The old man explained nonchalantly. Ryuk stepped up and faced the girl called Fiona. Her large Purple eyes seemed to ripple. Ryuk felt something invisible moving at him. Ryuk instinctively shifted his body trying to dodge, but the invisible thing seemed to follow Ryuk like the demon blade and entered Ryuks mind. Fiona grinned like a hyena and started moving her fingers in odd patterns and she shouted "Mind storm!" Ryuk fell back slightly, but soon regained focus, but on his face there was an uncontrollable fury.

"Oh! That girl can use mind storm how unexpected, but I think on this opponent now that he's dispelled it shes in trouble" in a dark room at the top of the stadium a man wearing a green shirt was making a detailed Commentary. "Why on this child specifically?" A woman in a Purple cloak asked. "This kid is easily provoked! Yesterday I saw him nearly kill the governor of the west for stepping on his dogs tail, and with mind storms ability of showing the worst moments of a persons life I doubt he'll keep her alive." A tanned middle aged man who asked Ryuk to come said smiling.

"Ryuk flew out using a speed technique Sparrow Shoot. His body blurred as he went behind the girl and slammed her back heavily. A loud cracking sound could be heard like fireworks booming. The girl was on the ground crying uncontrollably from her spine being shattered. Many people wanted to say something, but when they saw the faint red glow from inside the helmet they stopped. The old man judging the match said as if he didnt care "Ryuk wins!" But would it really be that simple. Many powerful auras exploded out of control. 4 men and 9 women who looked similar to the girl named Fiona. Ryuk felt incomparable fear from the blood colored base in his dantian, but the other bases remained firm and unperturbed this created a sort of equality within Ryuk making his eyes seem emotionless. Right as some of the guardian's of the match were about to step forward and enforce these fools an force gripped them tightly to the ground they looked towards the source and felt a shiver in their heart. "Old ghost are you really prepared to do this?" The man in the green cloak chuckled in disdain. "Yes! That brat dared touch my granddaughter! He should be slaughtered like a pig." The tanned middle aged man then closed his eyes and said "it's fine. If these nobodies can kill him he might as well just die, but Senior ghost you best not fight yourself otherwise I would have to inform master."

Ryuk gripped the sword in his sword tightly, do tightly cracks began to form on it. Ryuks cold eyes scanned the situation his thoughts split again and again until everything seemed to move at an extremely slow speed. This was the technique Ryuk had developed based on his experience in that dream world. Ryuk called in "infinite thoughts!" Every thought was split into 2 thoughts and those thoughts were split again and again until infinity allowing Ryuk to stay in a moment for eternity. After all how many thing can happen in one thought? Everything. Ryuk scanned all the auras and he realized these people weren't the Xin family matriarch or any other foundation stage expert he had met before. These people were true foundation stage experts. Ryuk knew in a direct confrontation of strength he would lose, but he had skill although without two swords it was basically cut in half also that wasnt the limit Ryuk had made a million contingencys for whatever could possibly happen to him.

Ryuk swiped his sword in a weird fashion the sound of an elephant, tiger, snake and wyrm could be eerily heard as Ryuk moved his sword. Each time his sword hit on of those attacks it would penetrate violently into their attacks making them null and void some of the 13 people even coughed up large quantities of blood. Ryuk then sheathed his sword and looked coldly upon the 13, but then he sensed a cold feeling lock onto him. Even though his 5 element bases weren't scared they shivered as if in the coldest winter meanwhile the previously scared blood base move seemed like a violent volcano ready to explode and cause endless devastation, but the 5 based rapidly found a stability and the blood base was also shivering like a drop of oil in a pan. Ryuk followed the cold feeling and looked expressionlessly at a mighty looking private room in a tall golden Pagoda. Ryuk then formed a cold smile.

Today was the day the king of thieves Ryuk was born. The name Ryuk would constantly echo through history for scoundrels.

"Oh great sages of the imperial sect. I am sorry. The great elder who is related to this girl must be very angry. After all a worthless commoner like me dared to touch the imperial sects elders daughter. How dare I! Im sorry sages you must be furious that I dared have the audacity to harm your great and almighty name. Im sorry that my worthless life has interfered with your preferences. If you wish this young child to die Im sorry that I didnt allow it. To dare hurt a imperial sect family member! How dare I do such a thing. Its actually a great thing for such a great person as the elder up there to even think of wanting to kill me. No! It isnt the elders will, but rather the imperial sects!" Ryuk screamed tears falling down his helmet.

Almost everyone who heard Ryuk fell into a trance. The commoners chanted in anger and commanded everyone they knew to spread news of the disgusting actions against a simple backgrounded individual. They wanted to crush the sect where connections mattered more than talent. Some of the smarter ones could only clap in respect at Ryuks awesome act.

The guards from the imperial sect had cold and detached faces, but the higher level guards even looked at Ryuk like he was Maverick that one needed to be careful about. The elders of the imperial sect who originally didnt care about Ryuks situation now had crunched eyebrows and tightly grinded their teeth. On the face the imperial sect was unmovable, but it was facing suppression from nearly every direction and if this revolt spread they wouldnt just be facing the other sects now, but also wandering cultivators. The colored robed elders all had cold sweat on their back as the previous sentiment was even more established in their minds, but no matter which elder they all hated old ghost who was now facing an incomparable amount of suppression to the point that his cultivation was fluctuating wildly.

"Your value is of course equal to elder ghosts granddaughter Ryuk." The purple cloaked woman opened the reserved areas window and said. Ryuk looked at her and laughed. "Mistress please. You can beat me but you cant trick me. If you want this young child too believe that I am equal there must be proof, but its evident on the fact that you didnt stop these hoodlums even with your mighty power that I am not at all valuable in your eyes." Ryuk replied back in a matter of fact way. The entire stadium that was comprised of atleast 10000 people was boiling in rage and animosity and the ones facing it was the great and powerful imperial sect. The elders and guard of the imperial sect couldnt do anything as if they attacked anyone or acted overbearing Ryuks previous sentiments would be firmly implanted in their minds. "Ryuk you must know all the elders here are of similar levels. If one of us randomly starts to oppress us of course we can stop them, but it will take time." the purple cloaked elder said with a smooth and neutral tone. Ryuk snorted at this response and screamed "Elder why must you try and fool this poor irresponsible child. If the elder who wishes my death dared act like this in the Imperial sects own tournament it can only mean one thing he has gotten permission. otherwise are you telling me the imperial sects power is so insignificant as to not even make one person within it fear it? Of course the imperial sect that can have this type of execution for lower beings such as myself must definitely be unequally in the heavens! No the elder must have obviously gotten permission from the sect to kill me otherwise even if he grew 10 more sets of balls he wouldnt dare make a move in the imperial sects eyes." Ryuk screamed back. Each time he would exaggerate Imperial sect and every time he felt someone put pressure on him he shouted louder.

The imperial sect elders were dumbstruck. They had no way out. If they continued saying that it was out of control that would mean they were weak and that wasn't good. If they said that yes they worked with elder ghost they would lose. Every direction headed into chaos and the elders were racking their brains trying to make some sort of plot, but they were scared first if they didnt give an answer soon and answer would anyway be made and if the solution they had wasnt fool proof this scoundrel Ryuk would just destroy it. Finally a man with golden cloak sighed and said "Ryuk just as you said before proof must be shown. This sword is a treasure only elders such as us have the right to posses. it is now yours." A longsword with long red inscriptions fell from above into Ryuks hands. Ryuk smirked like a new born child, but mask on his face covered it.

"Thank you honorable sir, but proof should be something concrete, but how can I know whether it is the imperial sect that believes I have equal standing as others or if it is you?" Ryuk said as he moved his head towards the elder with the purple cloak. The sword was a spiritual treasure and something that could cause greed in anyone, but this great thing was just tossed to the back of Ryuks mind and he was asking for more. the intent of Ryuks words and movements were understood by the elders who all had dark faces. One by one treasures of all kind with absurd value fell into Ryuks hands, but this time as they were taken out a mysterious fog covered each one preventing anyone from seeing what it was. this was a mind technique Ryuk learnt from one of the bandits he encountered it's called "Hidden World!" This was the first time he used a mind technique as he now could control his sea of conciousness.

Quickly Ryuk put everything into the mysterious Ring and went off the stage. The elders with previously dark faces looked at Ryuk like he was a monster. The golden cloaked elder smiled gently at Ryuk like he was a treasure. Elder ghost although looked at Ryuk with bright red eyes.

As Ryuk was about to sit down near Ryo he heard a sweet voice fill his ears "Scum!" He turned and saw a hooded figure.