Hell Calling.

As Ryuk and his group were rushing towards the imperial sect with furious eyes Ryuk was confronting his inner demons.

"That thing that took over me. Its strong thats for sure, but its also the most dangerous thing I have. Its not on my side its constantly trying to get me to lose myself and to let it devour me. In the future I'll have to find a way to restrain it and control it. That feeling of agony and torment if I had to guess thats what hell is like. That being within me is like hells king sitting on a bloody throne." Ryuk said a anguished look on his face. "No! He is but a demon containing my inner fears and pain I am a devil the ruler of Hell." Ryuk shouted in his mind. Ryuk was angry he only got to see his mother a short while and then she was gone, Sally was dead, and some of those remnant feelings from the bloody chaos struck like a knife at Ryuk. Ryuk commanded ever single drop in his soul sea to attack the hellish beast. The monster swung its arms in disgust at Ryuk. Ryuk heard the voice that had shouted at him before "Boy! You are not worthy enough to even think of handling me! I am the one who wreaks havoc in the universe and In my eyes you are, but an insignificant spec in the universe. Just kneel down before me and I might consider leaving a little of your conciousness behind so you can observe my reign." Ryuk snorted and said in disgust as well "Hmph. Ill say the same to you! Kneel before your king!" Ryuk said as the five elemental laws shot with the soul sea crashing into the monster. The beast jumped up and threw it's long legs down smashing into his laws. Ryuk coughed up a mouthful of blood outside.

Ryuk felt that he had no way of winning against this monster. Ryuk soon realized the monster had vanished it reappeared atop Ryuk holding him down. Its maw was wide open its saliva falling like rain on Ryuk. Ryuk felt his heart rate rise and his thoughts muddle. He quickly took a deep breath and looked at the beasts eyes. Ryuk realized this monster was a part of him and fighting it would do no good. Ryuks strange expression shocked the beast, but it cared not and began moving its mouth closer. Ryuk recollected the feeling he had when he defined the universe. He mumbled something and the chaos vanished. Ryuk tapped the air and the monster was pushed back. Ryuk rose up with the help the soul sea and said in an arrogant fashion "I am god in my soul! You are just an insignificant ant kneel!" The monster looked upon Ryuk in fear and said under his breath "The one who defies the universe. Another has appeared after so long and to think im stuck in that bastards body. What kind of shitty luck do I have." The monster then shouted loudly "Fine kid. Count yourself lucky this time, but as you grow stronger so do I. Who knows one day maybe even your defiance wont save you. I am nothingness and unlike those pitiful origin beasts I wont let you rule." The monster said as it fell asleep. Ryuk wrapped chain after chain on the monster, but when the beast said nothingness Ryuk felt a fear bloom within him. What Ryuk didnt know was the ordinary rock in his ring was shaking about in a challenging fashion.

Ryuk finally felt those feelings in the back of his mind disappear, but Ryuk seemed to achieve inspiration from that confrontation. "Hell... Hells king..."

Ryuk reached the sect after about a week. The group walked shoulder to shoulder with red eyes. The looked like demon gods climbing up to heaven to demand a reckoning. As Ryuk scaled the loud cracking of the hard bricks on the mountain scared some of the servants who knew just how hard it was after cleaning it and occasionally being thrown on it. Ryuks anger was ignited as he saw the peaceful sect and thus every cell in his body was boiling, every law was in a maddening chaos. Ryuks very aura caused some to kneel and have cold sweat run down their back. Ryuk reached the top of the mountain and the aura exploded out like a nuclear bomb frightening everyone. Mooneye who was a bit away in the inner sect even felt it and ran over, but when she saw Ryuk she couldnt help shudder uncontrollably.

The monster within Ryuks soul chuckled "This kid is too scary. Even without my bloodlust he's plenty a monster. I wonder..."

Ryuk walked into the missions hall. He shouted loudly "Bring out Rivera!" The attendants working at the missions hall were very proud people as their department held the most power within the sect only lower that the sect master, the colored pillars and the punishment hall yet Ryuk had just walked in an dared shout and demand. How could they not be angry. A inner sect disciple shouted "How dare you! Get on your knees and apologize!" Ryuk looked at that man and commanded his soul to make the man kneel. Soon the inner disciple who shouted at Ryuk was on his knees. "I ask again being out Rivera or don't blame me for not showing mercy!" A powerful aura shot out from the inner sanctum of the missions hall and a ancient voice proceed it "Haha. I'd like to see you try!" Ryuk didnt show any expression of fear and said "Very well." Ryuk commanded the fire law within him and a small blue spark appeared in Ryuks hand, that spark turned into a raging blue star. "I might not be able to kill you, but I can easily kill every disciple within this department and every outer sect disciple. And their blood will be on your hands so I hope you can deal with the backlash." Ryuk said coldly. Soon Purple elder who had heard her son had arrived. "Luther! What happened to your arm!?" She asked in shock. "Mother... Ill talk to you later. We desire revenge on those that plotted against us." Luther said coldly. Purple elder was shocked her son was arrogant and spoilt, but he was never cold to her. Dede's sister also appeared and after seeing her sisters hand missing she asked with her Ice law permeating out chilling everyone's soul "what happened?" Dede didnt reply, but said "Just wait."

The ancient voice knew Ryuks words were right that blue star was capable tp killing all the outer sect disciples and the inner sect disciples who worked there. So the ancient voice handed over a shaking Rivera. Ryuk looked at Rivera coldly and then said to the retreating elder "Im not done. You are supposed to be the elder in charge of the missions hall ensuring this sort of thing dosent happen to others. If I was weaker or if they couldnt hold out for a little longer we might've all died. Rivera is at fault, but so are you! You must all think we are bugs that are irrelevant regardless whether we survive or die, but today I will teach you that bugs don't just lie down to die." The ancient voice chuckled "oh? And how are you going to teach me?" Ryuk smiled at the voice and said "You might be strong, but unless you are the strongest you dont have the right to play games. Isnt that right sect master?" Ryuk said bluntly. A loud laugh erupted from all over "You found me out? Even those old monsters from the other sect wouldnt be able to find me out so casually. Who are you really Ryuk?" Ryuk smiled, but didnt say anything. Ryuk was only guessing that the sect master was watching because of a instinct luckily it was right. "Jingo head to the punishment hall and receive your punishment. Also you best give these kids some remuneration I doubt that they will have anything good to say otherwise when Old man Toto comes to question them about you." The ancient voice wanted to scream and kill Ryuk, but it still complied "What do you want?" The ancient voice named Jingo asked angrily. "Mongoose should get medicinal plants twice of what he had before which was... Dede should get some spiritual armor. Luther should get twice the number of talismans he used. And I want a longsword spirit weapon and a short sword spirit weapon." The ancient voice was throughly furious, but still accepted. "Sally should also get a proper burial." Ryuk added as well. Many people who found Ryuk being too unbridled now were angry at Rivera and the ancient voice. Sally had been at the sect for a long time and she was a kind person who didnt give up giving hope to those in a similar situation.

After all was done it was Riveras time to suffer. Mongoose fed Rivera all kinds of failed medicinal pills, Dede used some method that took away almost all his vitality. Luther made a horse fuck Rivera. Finally it was Ryuks time to torture Rivera, but first Ryuk demanded information about the beast god sect. Ryuk knew auspicious times were ahead and it was best to know as much as possible. Ryuk was right as a old man was flying on a wyvern at a extreme speed at the sect an ugly look on his face.

Ryuk looked at the dispirited Rivera and said "You are scum. You dont deserve death so why dont you go to hell and suffer forever there!" Ryuk used a technique he had invented. HELLS CALLING.