A demonic beast with heavenly Qi?

In the cloudy skies a man on a swan was getting massaged by the clouds. The man looked beautiful incredible beautiful. The man was Ryuk and he was currently meditating. Ryuk asked the monster "I learnt there were more realms than the pain stage. What else is there? Just so I can be prepared." The monster begrudgingly answered "After condensation stage you become a truth stage sage. Then you become a pain stage king. Then its rebirth stage when you escape your mortal coil and become a spiritual existence. You then become a general stage expert, an emperor stage expert and then a mystic. After you advance past Mystic you become an immortal separating yourself from life and death. After immortality you become a god after that... Well who knows whether your able to do that. In the past billions of years there hasn't been a new saint." Ryuk was dumbfounded by the long list of stages, but had a few questions "What about titles like the god of death? And why hasnt there been any new saints?" The monster said "Titles dont mean shit. It usually refers to people if they have an inheritance or something to take care off. Like the God of commerce or the God of blood. There hasn't been any new saints for the same reason many of the origin beasts and universal beings aren't in existence anymore. Because the universe creator is dead and thereby our universe is in a state of perpetual stillness no expansion, no improvement." Ryuk asked loudly "The universe creator is dead?!" The monster nodded, but a slight cold glint flashed past "I wasn't there when it happened, but he died." Ryuk whispered quietly "He's dead, but the universe still exists it seems like my guess was right. The universe creator is like a spark among some dry branches." Ryuk asked again "So can I become the universe creator? And if I can are there other Universe creators?" The monster laughed "I can only answer one of those questions kid. I might be a Universal being who lived from the birth of existence, but I am even a child in front of knowledge about the universal truths and other universes. To answer your first question Of course you can." Ryuk asked " I can? This dosent seem like how the stories go. Aren't you supposed to say Im just some shitty mortal and that I'll never even fit in the creators teeth and I might as well just surrender myself to you!" The monster laughed "Kid anyone can become a Universe creator, but you have a greater chance than others. You defied the original Universe creators will. That shows your determination and will power as well as your diconnection from this universes conduct."

Ryuk took out a ugly and old map from his robe. He looked at a certain mountain that seemed to look eerily like a bull head plummeting downwards towards a crevis. "Comet is the bull king mountain?" Comet sent a mental message "How should I know?" Ryuk asked exasperated "You dont know anything. We got into that huge beast battle because you mistook a landmark that you said you knew about for sure. We even crashed into that house in the forest where that fucking orgy was going on because you said your friend Roc King Peeper lives there. Oh yeah what about that fucking flock of birds that came and attacked up because you fucked, knocked up and then abandoned their princess?!" "First its not my fault im bad with directions and landmarks before I was captured I just went wherever the wind took me and after that human captured me I just followed where he told me to go. So if you think about it its actually your fault. Second its not my fault that she got pregnant. I was very drunk that day!" Ryuk took a disgruntled breath and said "My fault? That a journey that should have taken 10 days has now taken 15? Comet should I kill you and make duck soup?" Comet angrily hissed "Duck?! Did you just call this mighty and beautiful swan a duck?! How dare you! Do you know even Phoenix's lift their feathers for me?!" Ryuk felt a certain part of his blood angrily screech and without control he slammed hard into Comets head. "Master how cruel of you! Just because you didnt get the final word you use violence. I will leave then!" Ryuk scratched his head "I didnt do that though." Ryuk believed that maybe it was his Vermillion bird bloodline, but that was impossible since the Vermillion bird progeny and phoenix progeny have had a long and deep rivalry and hatred because of their immense similarities. If it was my Vermillion bloodline it would have actually jumped in pleasure at Comets comment, but it got angry what exactly else is in me?

Ryuk felt fear creep up his back and immediately told Comet to fall down. The place Ryuk was a large tiger with rich golden fur and blank white eyes with two magnificent golden angelic wings chomped down. When Ryuk saw that every inch of him was roaring in rage as if he had seen his worst enemy. "Hm? What is that?" The monster asked in Ryuks mind. Ryuk shouted in fear "What you dont know what this thing is?" The monster shook his head "No I do. It's a sky climbing Tiger, but it's also not. It contains Heavenly Qi which dosent make sense." Ryuk mumbled under his breath "So what you old fart even humans can cultivate demonic or heavenly qi why are you making a big deal out of it." What Ryuk didnt know was this actually was a huge deal. Something that concerned the entire universe. The tiger roared madly and dove. Ryuk unfurled his Vermillion bird wings and struck at the tiger with his swords. The tiger had two long lines on its abdomen, but the marks were loose and not effective at all. Ryuk was slammed down by one of the tigers large wings caused him to plummet quickly downward. Ryuk tried to steady himself, but realized his wings were too weak so his flipped to his back and released his shell. Ryuk caused a large crater as he fell. Ryuk coughed up a mouthful of blood "Comet why didnt you catch me?!" Ryuk said aggrieved. Comet answered hastily "You fell too fast. Even if caught you every bone in my body would shatter. Im a swan remember you fool!" Ryuk climbed out of the hole and tried to fight the Tiger, but was suprised to see it fighting a boy with pitch black hair and eyes and a black cresent moon in the middle of his forehead. "You shitty Heavenly beast! Die!" Ryuk felt a slight fear from looking at the boy, but the tifer seemed to not care and roared and swung its massive paws violently. The boy similarity plummeted, but was caught by a long skeletal hand that grew from the ground. The boy noticed something and began to sniff like dog and looked at Ryuk. The boy furrowed his brows and said in disgust "A Devil?" Ryuk said loudly in anger "Why do you Devil so contemptuously you little brat!" Ryuk completely forgot to be shocked about the fact that the boy knew he was a devil and flung more insults at the boy. The boys face remained impassive and he then scoffed "To be humiliated in this realm as well what did I do In my past life to get this kind of fate?" The tiger roared as it began to fly at Ryuk. Ryuk took out his two swords and used the sword manual he had got from Riel and performed the 3rd stance "Dragon flying through the valley!" Ryuks hands moved Swiftly and small cuts appeared all over the tiger and a eye was poked. Ryuk rolled dodging the large tail of the tiger. The boy rose high in the air climbing ghostly stairs covered in green flames. He coiled his middle finger and joined it with his thumb "Third demonic flame Fury." Red colored fire rained down and bit against the tigers thick fur violently. Ryuk used another self made techniques "Fire Earth technique! First form Rain of the heavens fury!" Small rock pieces rose into the air and soon they shrunk of were cut turning into dagger and then was covered in a thick blue flame. Ryuk pushed his hand down and Heavens fury truly did descend. The Tiger although flew to the side quickly, but against the speed of the falling rocks it got scratched quite alot, but it wasnt close to dying at all. Ryuk clicked his tongue and used he next self made art "Beast series 2: Dragon Tiger ruination!" Ryuk seemed to overflow with metallic and wood laws as he crisscrossed like a skater towards the tiger. The boy connected the ring finger to the thumb and said "Fourth demonic flame: Hope!" Thin white streams of qi entered Ryuks body. Ryuks tiger paws came out almost instinctively as if saying you think you are king? Child I am the Tiger God! Ryuk used the wood law to make it so the wild and harsh actions of the Dragon Tiger Ruination could be done and the metal law to strengthen his body so he dosent collapse. Dragon Tiger Ruination wasn't really complete and Ryuk could only complete Tiger Ruination due to his lack of ability. Ryuk moved fiercely left and then harshly right nearly tearing his muscles and skin. Ryuk had made this art after observing some Tigers in a painting. Although the painting wasnt supposed to give ideas and was just supposed to be there for decoration due to the detailed art Ryuk was able to obtain ideas. Ryuk continued this wild movement nearly tearing his body many times. Finally Ryuk looked like some drunk fool wailing around a sword, but in truth that fool had an intense momentum causing the strength behind it to be scary. The tiger kept retreating as it felt the wind roar terribly, but Ryuk seemed to keep getting closer. Ryuk this time stopped in place and repeated the action he had been doing so far and did it again only much much more violently. Ryuks meridians roared violently as thick qi entered his hands and biceps. Ryuk after he finished moving harshly back to the right threw the sword. The lion was scared, but it also chuckled and prepared to side step, but in a flash Ryuk appeared beside the quick flying sword and as the tiger moved to the side Ryuk spun the sword and a large cut opened in the tiger causing lots of blood to pour out. The tiger swung its body wildly knocking into Ryuk heavily. "Ah! Tiger Ruination really sucks! Its really difficult to do, it takes alot of time to do, and I look super weird while doing it! Ha wait till I master dragon Ruination and can do tiger dragon Ruination then who would dare say anything!" Ryuk exclaimed as rose after being hit. The boy quickly ran towards the tiger and then he impaled the wound with his arms. His arms turned a dark purple and acid was released out of pores causing all the tissue and muscle in the tiger to dissolve then he pushed hard on each side causing the tiger to tear into two pieces. Ryuk couldn't believe the cruelty of this boy, although Ryuk was capable and sometimes even excited to slaughter he was natural born psycho. As Ryuk was about to go and ask the boy what his name was and what the tiger was the boy took out a talisman from his coat and put it on the corpse and soon enough everything from the blood to skin of the tiger disappeared. Ryuk said in his head "What a waste! I would have loved to make a robe out of that tiger skin!"

The boy realized something and suddenly made many odd and intrinsic symbols with his fingers and shouted "Cloud capturing seal!" Thick wind laws wrapped around Ryuks arms and pushed down on his head and up of his abdomen. Soon Ryuk was pushed to ground disabled. Ryuk thought it would be easy to break free, but soon realized that the more he moved the more pressure was put on his body. Ryuk asked solemnly "What's the meaning of this!?" The boy huffed "Shut up! Tell me which realm are you from? There's no way you are from this trash heap! Is it the immortal realm?" Ryuk scolded this boy in his heart "Trash heap?" Ryuk didnt answer the boy instead he asked a question "First how did you know I was a devil and wasnt using some body art. Second why aren't you suprised that Im a devil? Third what are you? Which realm are you from? From your tone you look down upon the immortal realm meaning you must be from heaven right? Where gods... live?!" Ryuk used the sweetest and calmest voice and used his facial charm to its maximum. The previously expressionless boy like a mindless zombie replied immediately "Devils have a different scent and aura furthermore my bloodline was shivering in fright and thats not possible with garbage humans. Also although devils are uncommon its not like there aren't any in existence. Im a Demon prince more specifically the demon prince of the Apocalypse demon race the royal family of the demon race. I am from the heavenly realm and yes gods live there. Atleast 10000 untitled gods and 432 Titled gods." Ryuk looked at this boy who was so easy to entrance and said in his head "I really downplayed how handsome I really am didn't I? I should use my looks for more when I get the chance. Hm this guys a prince. A demon Prince of the demon royal family!? He's actually from the heavens!? There are 10000 gods?! Lord..." And like that Ryuk fainted from both the damage and exhaustion from fighting the sky climbing tiger and from the blood rush. The boy looked at Ryuk and scrunched his eyes his hand turned a dark purple again and was about to strike when he said in a low voice "I dont know his background or his intent. If he's someone powerful killing him will get me more world toppling enemies. The demon race is enough of an enemy. Furthermore he did help me it'd wouldnt be courteous. I'm not like those foolish dogs im a prince set to inherit the throne my actions should be more refined, but Im being chased by those hyenas! Whatever I can use him as bait if needed."